Chapter 11: A Grand Finale

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A couple of days passed and the gossip had fully spread around the castle. What was once just a boring story of seeing Dumbledore talk to some first year students had spiraled into multiple narratives of what had happened deep inside of Hogwarts that night. Some people had speculated that another mountain troll entered the castle and attacked Harry Potter, or that he somehow managed to nearly drown himself in the Black Lake after encountering the Giant Squid. The stories were getting out of hand, and despite how much more information seemed to be sprouting everyday, Jessica was still not sure what exactly had happened, except that Harry was confined in the hospital wing.

Another rumor was that Professor Quirrell was said to have resigned from his position since he had suddenly disappeared without warning. Although, not many people cared that much because it was almost the end of the school year. Still, it piqued Jessica's curiosity, finding it odd for a professor to vanish without a trace.

Amidst the gossip, the regular activities within Hogwarts had to keep on going, and that included Quidditch. Oliver and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team had never been more nervous in their entire lives for one match, but they had no choice but to keep the show going. While there was still no definite news on Harry's condition, his team went on to play against their last rival of the season: Ravenclaw.

In the nicest way possible, the match was a disaster. Bethany accompanied Jessica to watch their house's team compete for the last time, and the redhead wished she didn't go because it was almost painful to watch the Gryffindor players fail and to see Jessica react to almost every wrong move with a cringe or wince. In the end, Gryffindor lost with them not having scored much goals in the first place coupled with the fact that their reserve Seeker was unable to catch the Golden Snitch.

"No offense to Wood and the others, but..." said Bethany. "That was the worst game they had ever played."

"I hate to admit it, but I agree," Jessica sighed as the Gryffindor team began descending to the ground to dismount their broomsticks.

"I'm heading to the Great Hall for a nice glass of pumpkin juice. Watching that was... tiring," Bethany announced, getting to her feet. "You coming?"

Jessica watched as Oliver dismounted last, looking beaten up as the rest of his team shared defeated glances and comments with one another.

"I'll catch up with you in a bit," she finally answered. Bethany's eyes flitted from the black-haired girl and to the Gryffindor Quidditch Team Captain. With a small knowing smile, she nodded and left.

Jessica stood up, watching as Oliver started to walk towards the locker rooms. As she made her way down the stands, she passed by a group of Ravenclaws on their way out of the stadium.

"Are you serious? Harry Potter and some measly first years did that?"

"That's what I heard. I can't believe they kept a troll locked up to guard something hidden in the castle. Maybe that's why there was a rogue troll here last Halloween, too."

"Troll? I thought you said it was an erumpent guarding whatever it was."

"I don't think it was an erumpent, though. How could they get past that and manage to find out that Quirrell..."

Jessica frowned at the new piece of information she had just gathered in passing. What exactly happened between Harry Potter and Professor Quirrell?

Before she could hear more, the group of Ravenclaws were already exiting the quidditch pitch, and she didn't realize that she had reached the bottom row of seats already. She was grateful that she and Bethany decided to sit somewhere in the middle because she was able to make in time before Oliver could retreat to the locker rooms.

Finder's Keeper || Oliver Wood [1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin