Bryce laughed at his friend. "Made out? That's it? She won't even suck your dick anymore?"

Zach felt himself clench his fists.

Montgomery said, "Trust me, she'd let me fuck her if I really wanted to. She'll let me do whatever the fuck I want her to, she's good that way."

Zach ripped off his shirt, throwing it into his locker and pulling on a clean one.

"Come over to my house early," Bryce offered, "I'll let you have the pool house to yourselves. Give her some drinks and fuck her on the couch."

Zach slammed his locker door shut. Montgomery and Bryce looked over.

"You got a problem, Dempsey?" Bryce asked his friend cautiously.

Zach looked directly at Montgomery when he said, "No. I'm good."

"If you've got something to say fucking say it," Montgomery demanded.

Zach turned around, angry.

"You think Ophelia appreciates you talking about her like that?"

Montgomery laughed. "Oh, you think you know Ophelia?"

"I've known her a hell of a lot longer than you have," Zach shot back.

Montgomery clenched his jaw. "You don't know a fucking thing about her. You think you know her just because you saw her a few times when you were kids? I'm her fucking boyfriend!"

A few boys had stopped what they were doing to look their way. Eyes gazed over.

Zach felt nervous under their gaze, ashamed to be arguing then, while they were supposed to be focusing on baseball.

But he couldn't help it as he said, "I know what kind of fucking boyfriend you really are."

Montgomery took a step towards him. "Want to fucking say that again?"

Bryce appeared now, having left a set of weight further down in the room. "Yo, calm down, Monty. Coach will be here in a few."

"Fucking say it again, Dempsey!"

Montgomery was being so loud, but Zach didn't want anyone else to hear. Not to protect Montgomery's reputation, but to protect Ophelia's.

He stepped closer to Montgomery. The boys on the other row of lockers could not hear them from this distance.

"I told you before that I knew what you did," Zach said, his words fearless. The closer he got to Montgomery the angrier he seemed to get.

Montgomery scoffed. "And you been running your fucking mouth? Telling sluts like Jessica so they can be in our fucking business too?"

Zach rolled his eyes at him. "I didn't tell Jessica. And trust me, we're not the only ones that know."

"Knows what?" Montgomery said with arrogance, as thought there was no prove to what he did.

Zach took another step forward, so close now that Zach was towering over him and they were almost touching.

Zach couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't keep walking on eggshells around him like everyone else. Montgomery's secret didn't deserve to be kept. He should know that other people have heard what he did.

Zach grit his teeth as he looked down at Montgomery, threateningly. "I know you fucking hit her."

Zach was surprised that Bryce had no reaction even though he was obviously close enough to hear. But what surprised him more was Montgomery's reaction. Montgomery just laughed at him, like he had no idea what he was talking about. "I hit her?"

Loose Change~ Montgomery De La Cruz / Zach Dempsey/Scott ReedWhere stories live. Discover now