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Still Karlie POV

Dr." Sorry to tell you but Rainbow has been poisoned. If your mom wouldn't never woke her up, she would've died."

Me." *CRYING* Ok, can we go see her???"

Dr." Sure. She is in room 306."

So I got up and ran to my baby girl room. Once I got there, I started crying again. I don't like seeing my baby girl like this.

August." baby, stop crying, its go be ok. She is go be ok. Just pray about it baby."

Me." Ok. Baby."

While August and I was talking, we hear Rainbow moving around.

Rainbow." Mommy!!!! Mommy!!!!! I want my mommy!!!!!" *CRYING*

Me." Baby, I'm here. Mommy's here."

Rainbow." Mommy, daddy is a bad bad bad monster. Why did he do tis to me???"

Me." Baby girl, idk. But we soon are gonna find out."

Rainbow." Is my other daddy here. August!!, where are you."

August." Im here Rain. I'm never gonna leave your side."

August POV

Rainbow." August, I want you to be my rweal daddy otay?"

Me." Anything for you baby girl. I love you Rainbow, ill do anything and I mean anything for you.."

Rainbow." Otay, when I get out, can we go get ice cream. Pwease daddy."

Me." Yes baby girl."

So Rainbow drifted off to sleep and so did me and Karlie. I was really thinking, should I really make Rainbow my legal daughter?? When Karlie wakes up, I will talk to her about it.

The Next Day.........

I woke up and I see Karlie doing Rainbow hair. I motioned for her to come here so that I can talk to her.

Karlie." What sup baby."

Me." Last night, Rainbow had me doing a lot of thinking."

Karlie." What did she tell you."

Me." She told me since her daddy is a bad bad bad monster, she said she don't want for him to be her daddy. So she asked me to be her real daddy."

Karlie." Wow, ok. What did you tell her."

Me." I told her yea, so that's what I've been wanting to talk to you about. I want to go to the court house and make Rainbow my legal daughter. So can I???"

Karlie." yes baby. Whatever makes her feel better. When are you gonna go???"

Me." After she get discharged."

Karlie." ok."

I'm go do whatever I can just to see my girls happy. I love them with all my heart. I will kill behind them. We was watching tv til the doctor walked in.

Dr." Good morning, Rainbow is stable enough to go home, so here are her discharge papers."

Us." Thanks."

Dr." No problem. Take care."

Us." you too."

So we got all of Rainbow stuff together and we wheeled her out the room in a wheelchair. (Hospital Policies). We was on our way to get some ice cream. We made it to Ben&Jerry's. We got out the car and went inside.

Clerk." Welcome to Ben&Jerry's , how may I help you?"

Me." Can I have one chocolate swirl and 2 cookies and cream."

When I first saw you..... (August Alsina Story: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now