Just an ordinary day at the beach.....

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I was a calm summer day. The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Kira, Yuvi and David were spending their day by the seaside. Kira and Yuvi were relaxing in a rock pool and David was surfing. "Does that guy ever relax?" asked Yuvi. Kira just shrugged as she watched David ride the waves. For a moment, it seemed like everything was perfect. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in the city, quite close to where the three friends were.

"Sounds like trouble!" said Kira putting on her suit. "Its too dangerous Kira, your'e still not properly trained" said David running towards them. "There's people in danger, someone has to help them" said Kira. Just then, another explosion went off. "Listen Kira, the Police have got it covered, there's no reason for you to go out there." said Yuvi. "Uhh, Yuvi, Kira left while you were talking" said David. "That idiot!" said Yuvi angrily "We've got to go after her". David and Yuvi both ran towards the crime scene, only to see their friend fighting a man made of fire.

"Oh no" said Yuvi worriedly. "What do you mean? Who is that guy" asked David. "That's "Magma" a man made of pure fire, hes also, my boyfriend" said Yuvi. "That monsterous villain is your boyfriend?!!!" asked David. " If Kira isn't careful, he could easily destroy her" said Yuvi. "Lets hope she knows what shes doing" "Knowing Kira, she probably doesn't" said David with a sigh.

Two blasts of fire were shot at Kira but she successfully dodged them. "That all you got?" asked Kira with a smug look on her face. "You little pest! I'll burn you to ashes!!" said Magma shooting her with another two blasts of fire. "Water shield!" said Kira and miraculously a large forcefeild of water blocked the flames. "Impressive, but lets see if you can handle this!" said Magma holding a sword made of fire. "Dammit, I dont have a weapon" said Kira to herself. Before she knew it, she was blocking countless fire attacks and she was getting weak.

Kira knew that she was going to loose for sure if she didn't rest, so she made a thick barrier of water to protect her. It wouldnt last forever, but it would give her enough time to think of a plan. Suddenly, she heard a faint voice whispering to her......it was asking her to say something but what?

Sharkgirl : Friend or Foe?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz