i love you too | 4

130 9 10

black and white - niall horan

It was the last day of the tour. Blake and George sat in George's hotel room, not really knowing what to do. Tomorrow would be the last show and one day later they'd be home.

Blake looked forward to it. Surely, he loved touring and seeing his friends, but since the thing happened between him and Reece he just wanted to go home. He wanted to get his thoughts away from the blonde because all it ended up in was crying. And if he saw him every day, he wasn't able to forget anything.

A knock on the door got him out of his thoughts. "Come in", George next to him says.

Reece opens the door and takes a step in the room. He looks a bit done with everything, Blake realized. George seemed to notice too because he said: "What happened?"

"She broke up with me", Reece said, sitting down on George's bed. Not next to Blake. The brunette was unsure if he should be sad or happy about this fact. He was happy about the fact that she broke up with him.

He shouldn't. He shouldn't be happy because someone was sad. And what if Reece told her that they had sex? What if that was the reason they broke up? What if she would tell it online? Blake was sure, if she knew, she wouldn't do this. She was a true angel and would never hurt someone. Still, he was scared she would.

"Oh, I'm sorry for you", George said.

"It's okay. It was my fault anyway", Reece says.

Blake was sure George wanted to ask something, but at this moment they got a call from Joe, calling them for dinner. With that, the topic disappeared for the rest of the day. Luckily, also out of Blake's mind. Dinner was funny and they were laughing a lot. Blake wanted to stay longer, not wanting to be alone with his thoughts. But after some time, it was over and everyone left for their hotel rooms.

Now Blake was lying on his bed, in Reece's hoodie the blonde gave him some time ago as it was cold while staring at the ceiling. He was worried that she would know about him and Reece, making himself hope which would only be broken about Reece loving him back, and thought about finally coming away from everything.

A knock on the door got him out of his thoughts. "Come in", Blake said, sitting up, expecting it to be George since Reece didn't talk to him since that one morning except when he needed to.

But it wasn't George. It was Reece. A nervous-looking Reece standing there in a white shirt and grey joggers, looking incredibly good. "Hey", the blonde slowly said, closing the door behind him and leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing here?", Blake said, his voice breaking halfway through the sentence.

"I just wanted to tell you not to worry about her", Reece says, all of Blake's hope breaking. "She only knows I cheated. I know you'll make yourself crazy about it coming online, but i told nobody." The blonde knew Blake good enough to know that Blake always worried too much.

Blake swallowed. "Okay", he said, trying not to start crying again as the memories to that day came up to him again. It was only two weeks ago, but it felt like it was a whole year.

"And Blake?", Reece asked, grabbing Blake's hands, pulling up the younger. "I... I love you too."

Reece's lips meet Blake's and for a moment the brunette was so shocked, he forgot to kiss back. But then he started moving his lips against Reece's, never wanting to let him go again. A new tear rolling down his cheek, but this time it wasn't a tear because he was sad. It was because he was happy.

Both didn't know what would happen now, but they knew, it'd be good. Maybe a bit hard sometimes, but in the end, they'd be happy.

Because they loved each other.

i love you's - breeceWhere stories live. Discover now