i love you | 1

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worse - new hope club

Blake stumbled down the hallway. He was drunk, his hair was a mess, and tears were streaming down his face. He didn't even know why. Maybe it was the fact, that now all the feelings he tried to hide every day were coming up and took advance of him. He couldn't hide them when he was drunk. He couldn't hide them when he was alone in his room, lying in his bed, remembering the fact that his biggest wish would never come true. But most of those nights, he fell asleep crying in his pillow, and in the next morning, he could hide his emotions again. He could act like everything was fine and he was happy. But in reality, he wasn't.

He didn't drink often. He knew it only ended in a mess. And so, it would today. Because he was on the way to him. That was exactly what he normally would never do.

Blake knew that this wasn't the floor his room was. His room, just like George's, was one floor down. But he didn't want to go there now. He wanted to see Reece, the most beautiful boy he knew. He wanted Reece to hold him and make him happy. Reece always made him happy. That was something no one else could do. Just seeing Reece smiling would make Blake happy.

Except Reece was with her. Then it would make Blake sad. Seeing Reece laughing and kissing with her was his end. He felt worse with every minute then.

As he stood in front of Reece's room, or at least what he thought was Reece's room, he slowly knocked on the door. Some part of him hoped Reece wouldn't open. But Blake knew she wasn't there today and Reece was here, alone, in his room. And tomorrow he would be so mad at himself for going to Reece, for drinking, for crying, for everything. But right now, he didn't care about that. All he wanted was Reece to hold him in his arms.

On the other side of the door he heard footsteps, and a moment later a sleepy Reece opened the door. He only wore those joggers, and Blake was sure, no one could be as pretty and hot as Reece was.

"Blake", Reece started, yawning. "What are you doing- hey, are you crying?" The blonde boy interrupted himself, realizing Blake's tears. "Hey, don't cry", he said softly, pulling Blake into a hug. "Everything will be okay", Reece whispered, while running his fingers through Blake's hair.

This sentence caused Blake to cry even more. Nothing was okay and nothing would be okay. The boy he loved more than anything loved someone else. And now, he told him that everything would be okay. He didn't even know what Blake cried about. Blake couldn't tell him. Reece would just think he's crazy and weird and then he'd ruin the band. No, he couldn't.

"Hey", Reece said again. His soft voice got Blake to calm down a bit. Reece's fingers hold up his chin, causing Blake to look him in the eye. "Do you want to come in?", the blonde said. "Then we can cuddle, and if you want, you can tell me what's wrong."

Blake didn't say anything. He grabbed Reece's arm, not wanting to let go of the older boy. Reece didn't let go. Otherwise, he awkwardly closed the door behind the two, before he picked Blake up, causing the brunette to wrap his legs around Reece's waist.

Reece sat down on his bed, with Blake on his lap, the younger softly crying into his shoulder. Reece didn't really know what to do now. Blake held onto him, and Reece needed to say, that holding Blake felt much better than holding all those girls at the club. Better than holding his girlfriend.

He softly stroked Blake's hair, as Blake's tears slowly stopped falling. And as the younger boy realized what exactly he was doing there, he got fast of Reece's lap. What was he doing here?

"Sorry", Blake muttered.

"It's okay", Reece said. He stood up and held Blake a tissue, which he just got out of the suitcase. "Do you want to talk about it?", he asked, as the younger wiped away his tears.

Blake slowly shook his head. He couldn't believe that he just let Reece hold him like that. Through the past days, he always made sure Reece wasn't too close to him, so nothing embarrassing would happen. And now he just cried into his shoulder.

"Do you want to sleep here?", Reece asked, sitting down next to the younger one, who was just about to fall asleep. It was three in the morning, he was still drunk and crying made tired.

"Mmh", Blake said, as Reece pulled him into his arms.

"Good night, Blakey", Reece whispered, making the younger forgot all he just told himself about not falling for Reece and going back to his room now.

"I love you", Blake whispered.

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