Missing Her

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(Robin's POV)

              It has been two years since we crossed the Towns line with Marion,I miss my Beautyful queen Regina.I miss seeing her wonderful ,smile that makes me happy everytime I close my eyes, I miss the feel of  her gorgeous figure everytime i wrapped  my arms around her body ,and most importantly, I miss her sweet, gentle lips and how they fit perfectly into mine when we kiss.       Roland who is now five constantly keeps asking  Roland who is now five constantly keeps asking,"Daddy?Where's Gina" and I  always have to say "Buddy,Gina is going through some trouble right now,and she said that she needs some space,", which breaks my heart everytime i have to say  it.                 Meanwhile I am at home playing with Roland while Marion is cleaning,I am very miserable without my Regina in my life.''I wonder how she is doing?god I Love Her So much ,I can barely stand being three minutes away from her." 


I have been really miserable ever since i've said goodbye to Robin. I thought it was pretty sweet of Emma to sit  with me at ''Granny's", and helping me and Henry with operation ''MONGOOSE",    I really hope the author would write me a happier ending ; I hope I can see Robin again some day! But at least I did the right thing ,even though it was to save Marion! I want Robin back, I miss his cute brittish accent ,and his beautyful bluegreen eyes . I hope we can be together soon .


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