The text ☺

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After we all had finished our lunch , Tink had asked ,'Okay I am going to ask this question once again,'' Why did you want me to come with you to Granny's?" I hope it wasn't to just so I can have lunch with you guys ,then if that is the case, i could be leaving right now, i have better things to do ?'' " she said with sarcasm . Look I replied with more sassy ,'' I don't care if you were going to go and make out with will scarlett, but this is important! '' As i was explaining the plan to Tink once again, all there was left was a shocked expression on her face."Awww Regina!'',Why you didn't tell me before ,Of course I would help you, after all ,''Pixie dust never lies'',we will find robijn so you can have your happy ending. ''Thanks i said. '' your welcome, she responded. After me and tink finiished talking , someone's phone had went off.They were either reciving a text or a call from some one.The song was really catchy, like for real this stupid song was gonna be stuck in my head.'' Umm... i said someone's phone is ringing and whoever it is really need to change their ringtone cause it is really annoying.

(Henry's POV)

As soon as mom finished talking about what ever she is talking about , I swear she can talk a person to sleep. I hear a really familiar song and wondering who has the same ringtone as me which is "Santa tell me ,by Arianna Grande .

And when I realized that nobody has a iphone4 but me ,well besides my mom (Emma) who has the iphone4s which is not fair.

But I didn't care as much so when I checked my phone it said I got a missed call from "RobinHood". I am like,"woah" what did robin want ? It was probably important , I will talk to him when I am alone ,so for now I really should put my phone up cause I feel my mom peeping over my shoulders.

"umm.... Could you not ease drop mom?" As I said to Emma , "sorry kid just wondering who you were talking to. Its fine , I said but I will be back I need to call someone. Okay she said ,bye Emma, and mom as he said hugging Regina around the shoulders.

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