"Well firstly your posture is wrong." I gestured for her to go through the process.

I stopped her and readjust her hips and back.

"You're learning too far forward. There are many ways to do this spell but non of them require you to learn forward so much."

"Next, your holding your wand wrong. Hold it more naturally, I know it may feel strange but you'll get used to it."

It was only after I readjusted her wand in her hand, that I noticed Akko's shaking.

"Try to avoid shaking so much. Make sure to steady your breathing as well." I explained

It wasn't until I noticed Akko's blush how close I was. I immediately distanced myself.

"Sorry, I must be making you uncomfortable." I apologized

"No, I uh, well. You usually distance yourself from others so I was just surprised is all." All explained

"Well I hope my tips will help. It's a shame you've been put in a position that won't allow you to show everyone your metamorphosis magic. I would have liked to have seen you perform." I said

"Don't worry Diana, there's a reason why I wanted the sacrifice job." Akko said with a confident smile.

That was suspicious.

"What are you planning Akko?" I asked

"Don't worry, it's me we're talking about." Said Akko

"That's exactly why I'm concerned." I sighed

Before leaving Akko got my attention.

"Uh, Diana. I was wondering if, I mean. Summer Vacation is still a while away and I'll be spending it here. I was thinking if you're here too you could perhaps tutor me?" Akko asked, she was clearly nervous and fidgeting.

"I will be staying here for summer Vacation as well. I'll tutor you the best I can." I said

Akko just smiled and ran off. I hope this interaction with Akko doesn't keep me up all night.

It unfortunately did. My dreams were haunted by Akko's smile and would always end before the kiss. Before I knew it, it was mourning.

"Hey Diana, you don't look too good." Mentioned Barbara

"You should really take it easy on the late night study. I think you over did it this time." Said Hannah

"Thank you for voicing your concerns but I assure you I'm fine." I lied

I wasn't going to last long during the day. I did my best cleaning myself up for the day. I had a severe case of bed hair from tossing and turning too much.

After I got dressed and went to get breakfast. Sitting down in the cafeteria I could hear many excited conversations about the upcoming Samhain Festival.

"So Diana, what are you planning on summoning?" Asked Hannah

Barbara had moved over to the read team's table. She usually does on even numbered days of the week.

"I did have a thought and settled on a Unicorn." I answer

"A Unicorn? That's amazing, shame your daughter from the future couldn't see it." Said Hannah

Bernadette had to return to the future after she'd finished her punishment. Although I know I'll see her again it's a shame to see her go.

"Well, I'm sure I can recreate the summoning in the future for her."

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