| 4 || Two Picasso's |

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It's been a week since Mami moved in and she was either cleaning up their modest living space, going to college and doing college stuff, or working. Then there was the fact that she still hadn't found another job to replace the one she'd lost. So all in all, the atmosphere inside the club helped her relax just a little bit. She could almost feel the pounding music stripping away all the worries from her brain temporarily. Since she and Tomomi both worked, their hours clashed so badly that even though they're living together now they only see each other for two to three hours a day. It wasn't really a problem but when she stopped to think about it one day she thought about how funny it was. So she finally decided to visit.

When she entered, she was given the name Bree from Tomomi's good friend whose real name she never knew. She doubted Tomomi even knew. It was all safer this way being in this business and all, in case they got in trouble or someone wanted to cause them trouble. Mami spotted Tomomi right away, right down at the end of the large showcase table that sat right in front of where she was standing. She made her way along the side, maneuvering her way around others and occasionally refusing the playful offer. They all knew their regulars, and Mami was definitely one of them. They also knew she was Tomomi's regular.

The redhead could see the familiar figure standing and leaning by the wall. She gestured for Mami to let her finish up and continued dancing around the pole. She moved with just a little bit more vigor, smirking when she made eye contact with the girl. Even in the dimness she wasn't hard to spot. There weren't many girls wearing beanies and jeans who come to visit these places. 

Mami kept watching her and her routine. The way she could climb the highest out of the others in this club and slide down as smoothly as if she were in an aquarium of water. She pushed her back against the pole, moving down slowly until her legs were spread but she snapped them closed before the man could reach his hand out. He was at the edge of his seat but Tomomi didn't let him lay a finger as she did another one of her tricks. An aura. That was something she definitely had and despite everything, that made her incredibly good at her job. It was no wonder she was a popular choice.

Mami crossed her legs together and coughed out a laugh when Tomomi kicked his hand away with her heels. She didn't need to see his expression to know it must've hurt like hell. He had tried to sneak in a touch while stuffing a 20-dollar bill in her panty line but Tomomi wouldn't miss a beat. Ever. She got off the table and whispered something to him and he slipped her another ten before she walked away from him and towards Mami.

"What'd you say to him?"

"That I could get him arrested for that so I charged him $10 instead," Tomomi said.

Mami patted the girl on the shoulder as a good going gesture as they headed up the staircase and into one of the private rooms. "So how'd you like the show?" 

"As good as always," Mami chuckled. "Wouldn't you lose him?"

Tomomi shrugged. "He'll be back. Just good?" She leaned against a singular chair that was in the room, smiling mischievously as her hips started to sway. She brought the chair closer to Mami, who had taken a seat on one of the beanbags at the side of the room.

"Calm down, aren't you exhausted?"

"It would be the opposite of exhausting," Tomomi purred.

"Cut it out, Tomo, You're sweating like a horse."

"Fine, I haven't had a break in almost two hours anyways," she sighed heavily. "I feel like my arms and legs are going to fall off." Mami looked worriedly at her for a second before Tomomi shook her head, "Oh, it's normal. Don't worry! We're just a little short on girls today, that's all." She moved to sit between her legs, sinking into the beanbag and back leaned against her. "Really, I'm fine. Same as always, remember?"

Mami nodded and subconsciously massaged her arms from behind. Maybe not like a horse, but Tomomi really was sweating and it seemed like she didn't even have time to wipe off. Though knowing some of the people around here, it was probably a bonus for them. A bead in particular caught her attention and she moved to catch it with her tongue, closing her lips slowly around the spot.

"So how goes the job hunt?" Tomomi asked.

"Not good." It was Mami's turn to sigh. She dropped her chin onto her shoulder heavily, "My deadline's coming up, too. I was already lucky that they allowed me to pay off monthly but if I'm late for one, they'll kick me out for sure. I don't think any other place would take me..."

"Listen, don't worry about halfing the rent with me, Mami. I've got enough for us both. I'll buy the freakin' place if I have to."

"Thanks, I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything. Why don't you try to find a sponsor? That's a thing, right?" Tomomi drew doodles on her palm as she talked, comparing their sizes and whatnot. "I mean I'm sure I know some rich guys who would be more than happy to-"

"Ew, no. Thank you but no, Tomo, not a chance. I'll look for my own." Tomomi laughed airily and nodded her head. Of course, Mami would never accept. "What about you? Anything new?"

"New boss offered me a special price. I said fuck no," she spoke lowly, angrily. "I don't wanna talk about it."

Mami pressed her nose against the back of her ear, kissing the point of her jaw. It was like a cat silently comforting its owner. She still smelled good, too with a mix of shampoo, perfume, smoke and the musk of sweat.

"Is he here?"

"Not today," Tomomi breathed and relaxed her tense shoulders. Her head lolled to the side to allow Mami to lay kisses along her neck, nibbling at her earlobe and dip her tongue just slightly in. Mami combed away strands of red hair that stuck to the tattoo at the back left of her neck, two simple shooting stars; one outlined and the smaller one filled in. Tomomi reached her arms up and back, clasping her hands behind Mami's neck and outlined the same exact tattoo with her index finger. She dropped her body a little lower so that she could see the orange hair when she craned her neck back.

"We were so creative back then, weren't we?" 

"Like two Picassos," Mami laughed. She stretched over and they shared a Spiderman kiss, dragging their lips with a slow intensity. Tomomi turned around and rushed to reconnect their lips, tasting her own saltiness on Mami's tongue. All the while she unzipped the grey sweater and ran her hand over her bare shoulders where the orange hair stopped just below. Mami didn't move but neither did she refuse, kissing the girl back.

"Just for a little while," Tomomi breathed heavily, words spoken in a whispery tone. "Mami, just for a little." Mami shook and fumbled to get her sweater off, left in her tank top and hands roamed the girl on top with nothing short of lust. She flipped them over so that she was on top of Tomomi and hungrily sucked her lips and her chin and anywhere else possible. Then a knee was pressed between her thighs, eliciting a low moan from Tomomi.

"W-wait," she groaned and stuck her hand in there first. The redhead irritatingly pulled out wads of crumpled green paper and threw them to the floor, then a couple more from her bra until she finally unzipped her skirt. She wore a red thong underneath and Mami had to admit, it was sexy as hell. Tomomi pulled herself closer against the girl, crotch touching the skin through the rips on Mami's jeans. She smiled with a glint in her eyes 

"So I was just good, huh?"


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