Chapter 1

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As soon as I opened my front door I was greeted by Theo, my one-year-old Husky. I smiled and let my tan messenger bag fall to the floor as Theo jumped up and gave me kisses, and begging to be petted. I smiled and ruffled his fur and pushed me off me. 

"What do we want for dinner tonight," I asked Theo, heading to my kitchen. I opened up the fridge and glanced over the contents. There wasn't much in there considering I haven't gone grocery shopping in at least two weeks. I sighed and tried the freezer, nothing looked appetizing in there either. I shut the freezer door and looked down at Theo. He stood next to the island and smiled at me. I shook my head smiled glanced around the kitchen, my eyes finally landing on the stack of take-out menus resting on the island. 

"I guess we're having take out tonight again tonight Theo," I said as I walked over and started shifting through the different places, none of them sounding interesting.  Theo came over and nudged my leg with his nose. I looked down at him and looked from me to the back door. "Do you want boy?" 

As if to answer my question he headed to the back door and I followed him, letting him out and shutting the door behind him. I headed back toward the kitchen and finally picked up a menu for a pizza place. 

Guess I'm having pizza, I thought.  I take my phone out of my pocket and start dialing the number when Theo started barking. I turn around looking at the back door. Theo's barking persisted, and I began to walk back toward the door, keeping my phone in my hand. I carefully opened the door and looked out, searching for Theo. He wasn't in sight. 

"Theo!" my voice rang out in the darkness, and I took a step out onto the patio. "Theo!" 

A bark returned my call, and I looked to the right where it had came from. I took a step in that direction debating if I should have brought a weapon. Theo barked again and I decided that I should go find him. Theo never barks this much. I walked toward where Theo was barking from and as I reached the corner of the house Theo ran toward me. 

"Hey boy! What's going on?" I crouch down to pet him and noticed a box sitting on my front porch.

A/N:  Hey guys! ANd thank you for reading my first chapter of my attempt to write a criminal minds fanfic lol. Please leave your thoughts and any comments you have. I'll try to post weekly or every other week. And the story Is going to start off kind of slow so please bear with me. But I hope you enjoy! 

Also the chapters will be longer, I just wanted to get this story out there and post the first part 


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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