Her body felt sore with anxiety and she spent the afternoon into the evening of the first day curled on the couch with a blanket around her, watching Katherine who was working so hard not to be still.

That night she slept alone. Katherine had little interest in being more visible to Klaus when he returned, and with complaints of a sore neck, she spent the night in Alaric's bed. Charlotte remained hopeful, holding herself awake late into the night, curled up on the couch hopeful someone would come.

A little past two she'd had another inkling of hope, shuffling through the living room with the blanket over her shoulders. Tugging the door open, she thought truly she might be able to leave, her heart shattering for the umpteenth time when her hand reached out and the barrier remained. With nothing changed she returned to the couch with resignation, falling into a deep sleep that carried her late into the next day.

Two days from when Charlotte was first taken, the door to the apartment finally opened from the outside. She was walking from the bathroom when she saw it and it caused her breath to catch in her throat, freezing her with fear until she saw who it was and she launched herself towards the door. 

Stefan pulled her tightly to his chest, arms so familiar as they wrapped around her she wanted to sob in relief. She could hear Katherine enter the room, feet stomping as she so clearly wanted to show off her annoyance. 

"Two days, I've been waiting," Katherine growled out angrily, "I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead."

Stefan ignored her at first, pulling Charlotte away and looking her up and down to check she hadn't been hurt. He felt terrible they hadn't made it to her sooner, but relieved she hadn't been hurt. 

Katherines foot stamped down and Stefan finally turned to her, "We ran into complications." 


Katherines demeanour was so changed with Stefan, Charlotte could hardly recognise the kindness she'd been shown in the previous days. Suddenly her demeanour changed again, rushing over and yanking Stefan away, she pushed him to the wall holding him by his collar. Before Charlotte had a chance to follow, the door opened for a second time.

Klaus entered flanked by his brother Elijah. 

"Klaus, you're back" Katherine called with a coo in her tone as she tugged Stefan into view, "Look who decided to come for a visit."

Klaus looked in amusement between the siblings and the doppelgänger. He could see the distaste on each their faces though Katherine tried to hide hers behind a placid smile. He could feel his brothers poorly hidden judgement too as he took on the scene and it caused another trickle of annoyance to push though. 

"You just keep popping up, don't you?" 

Katherine let go of Stefan and he stepped closer to Klaus with his hands open and his face desperate, "I need your help. For my brother." 

Charlotte's breath caught in her throat, her brother, she'd forgotten about her brother. She knew something had to have happened for none of them to come like they'd promised and she'd worried certainly, but she hadn't thought about her brothers immovable deadline. 

Damon had a werewolf bite.

A fatal werewolf bite.

"Whatever it is, it's going to have to wait a tick," Klaus said, walking towards Stefan and then past him, "You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention."

Elijah stepped forwards,  "You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here." 

HIs words made Charlottes blood run hot. Fury filled her as she remembered he was the key to the plan. He was the one who'd brought upon this plan to kill Klaus and yet here he stood beside him, not only well and alive, but clearly an ally.

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