Wolf on the Mend.

Start from the beginning

The lesson had finished slower than Lupin's lesson would have but still, the day passed eventually. There was a match in the afternoon and it was Halloween. The season was always celebrated at Hogwarts.

"Good luck, Harry. Please be careful and don't go too far from the stands, okay?" Harry smiled and had the school been a little less guarded against Sirius then the chance of the students worrying would have been much lower.

"Remind me again why you aren't playing Quidditch this year." Both students shared a glance before Beatriz shoved Harry slightly.

"Because mother claims that it is too dangerous. Even if she played it as a student, but that only makes it worse. If I bring that up then she tells me all about how she could have died and it isn't worth even thinking about for me. All in all, if she had been more careful and people stopped jinxing your games then I might have a chance, but alas no. Maybe if this game is less dangerous then I can. Don't go getting yourself killed." Harry knew that McGonagall was not a woman to argue with but something in his head told him that he should argue with her about Beatriz.

Playing Quidditch may have some risks but the pale faces and wide-open eyes met all who looked around. Flashes of black could be seen as dementors roamed the grounds high up in the clouds. The fog didn't do much to calm pupils, nor the staff.

The stands stood far above anything close by and cheers could be heard as weary students took to the field. Beatriz had barely made it from the castle when an obnoxious noise filled her ears. The squeak of an animal, it sounded like the hissing of a cat.

"Shark Bait? Hello?" A cat would only hiss if it had a good reason and before the corner could even be turned the noise stopped, but as soon as she turned the corner she stopped, not moving a muscle. "Sh-Shark B-Bait." A black cat lay on the grass and it seemed to have stopped all movement.

Tears sprang into beady eyes and immediately the cat was lifted into her warm embrace and carried. The wind bellowed all around and Beatriz's robes flung all about the place as she scurried to the hut that lay at the edge of the forest.

Knocks filled the cold air and their harsh movements caused a jolt of pain to run down her arm, but soon the door was opened. "Bea? Wha' are yer doin' 'ere? Gryffindor is playin'" Her tears were noticed and as quickly as a half-giant could, Hagrid turned out of the way of the student.

"Shark Bait is hurt." Hagrid took the cat from her arms and began to look over the cat before he had nothing else to do.

"I'm sorry Bea but the ca's gone. No magic or spell can bring the dead back, yer of all people know tha' Bea." Beatriz wiped her eyes and gulped down. Red was surfacing as hands grabbed the black fabric of her coat and wiped away all of the shed tears.

"But Shark Bait was fine. Healthy, and then this? She's my cat. I don't want her to die." Huffs and sighs left as more water was washed away from the pale features.

"Come 'er." A hug was started and the pair didn't seem to part for an age

 After a serious amount of persuasion, the girl followed Hagrid out of the hut and walked to the edge of the forest. The entire time Beatriz looked ready to run away. Hagrid's strength had meant that the hole was quickly dug but with gentleness rarely seen, the lifeless body of her cat was lowered a few feet below ground level. Mud was carefully drooped over the dead body until the cat faded from view.

"Thank you, Hagrid." The pair stood looking at a freshly dug patch of land while Hagrid was holding onto a shovel and wrapping an arm around Beatriz who stuck at his side. "I should go. The match won't be over yet and you are a member of staff. Can I just ask one more thing? Hagrid, can you not tell anyone about this? I want to do it." The pair walked until they had to part ways and an extra firm hug was given in parting, with Hagrid promising not to say anything.

Stone walls were empty aside from a few portraits as they busied about their lives. Poltergeists and ghosts passed without another word as they were busy wasting eternity doing nothing. Sniffs and shuffling feet dragged along the floor until the portrait was swung open and Beatriz sat on her bed, reminiscing on the days spent with her cat. During the holidays there were times where only that cat would keep her company. Time ticked by but that escaped the notice of Beatriz as she watched the wall. Tears ruining her vision.

"Oh, Beatriz. You said it yourself. If it wasn't for Professor Dumbledore then Harry would be dead. A dementor actually attacked him. His broom is shattered and now Poppy has to care for hi...what's wrong? I saw that you didn't turn up to the game but I did see you leave the castle." Frizzy hair crossed over the room and stopped on the bed of her friend.

"I'm fine. I am a teenager. This sort of stuff happens sometimes you know." Pyjamas were pulled from the heavy trunk and the long sleeves were used to keep Beatriz warm.

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