158 days to film release

Start from the beginning

It's at that moment she feels it. Do you know those moments where you realize with a particular heightened sense of emotion that the energy in the room has shifted? It's like when one of your parent's utter a word or phrase that doesn't sit well with your other parent. You feel a shift in emotion. It's like our bodies are attuned to the invisible tsunami of rage and you just feel it. Your skin prickles. You instinctively transform into defensive-mode. 

That's how Shraddha feels. Her eyes followed the appearing goosebumps and travel the length of his gentle hands to his tense shoulder. She stops. Hot anger radiates around them. She continues, hesitantly. She's met with eyes that reflect the weather of Mumbai. Hazy and dizzy. He was staring in exasperation.

"Ok, that's it, I give up. What did I do now?" Shraddha almost rolled her eyes. Bubbling vexation threaten to jump to her throat. She claimed her hands and crossed them in indignation. 

"Nothing." He shrugged and looked away sharply. His hands tugged themselves into the deepest corners of his jean pocket. Varun really did not wish to have this conversation right now. While Varun's care for Shraddha made her melt into a puddle of love, she did not appreciate the suffocation that came along with it. She was a grown woman, dammit!

"Varun, we have to talk about this. We both know what this is about," Shraddha sighed and tried to regain some composure from her depleting patience. She counted to 10. "Look, I will be honest. It's unhealthy. You can't expect me to be safe all the time. You certainly can't smoth-"

"Shraddha, that's not what I'm doing!" Sigh. Pause. Continue."You know why I get protective," Varun tugged on his hair, choosing to look at the ceiling. He just needed to make sure she was ok.

Shraddha glared him. His form was defensive and small. Something is wrong with him. Why was he acting so uncharacteristically lately?

Another big sigh escaped from Shraddha. She pulled him forward, in between her legs and grabbed his face. "Remember our shooting for if you hold my hand? Remember how cold it was?"

"Who could forgot? Nearly froze my ba-"

"Not the point," she lightly flicked his forehead and controlled her need to smile. "Remember how after every take, you used to hold me to keep us warm?"

flash from the past 

"CUT!" Remo Sir's voice echoed off the canvas of the Canyon, sending people into action to prevent the duo from freezing to death. 

"Oh my god..." Shraddha wrapped her numb hands around her bare arms. A set of hands clasped her body into a cold embrace."You know this is not helping right? You're cold as well," Shraddha's trembling body blended with Varun's shaking. Layers of warm clothing was heaped onto their enjoined form. 

"I'm trying to prevent sickness, Chirkut. Be appreciative." Varun cradled her head to the crook of his shoulder. They swayed from side to side, struggling to fight against the gushing cold. He tightened his hold on her waist and rested his cheek against her head. Her arms encased him in a tight bear hug. They were pressed together. Head to toe. One of their friends had taken a picture in that moment. Everyone babbled about the ethereal moment. 

The sun was shining on them from an angle. Their skin glowed in the celestial light. Their hair tinted to hazel brown, flowing along the grooves of the wind. They held each other like a lifeline. The duo had blushed when they saw the picture later.

Varun maintained his actions. After every take, he bundled Shraddha into the protective confides of his arms. Shraddha had no complains. She needed all the warmth she could get.

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