Love on the battlefield (Calypso twins xMoze)

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I'm so very sorry!!! I lost this request and I just recently found it! I hope you like it. This was requested by  AsheHere T^T.

Moze's pov

My face grimaced as the truck bounced on the rocky terrain. I and the other team of vault hunters that had just arrived to Pandora had set out to protect the planet from the threat of annihilation. This threat had already killed thousands and they hadn't been satisfied yet. This threat took the name of Troy and Tyreen Calypso, both blessed with the power of sirens but cursed with the mind of bandits. I looked out the back of the truck and glanced over at Iron Bear. "You ready, buddy?" I whispered in a low voice. The dust behind us swirled in clouds as we approached the camp of the twins.  "This is it." Lilith called to us, "I'm sorry I can't help.". I offered her a small smile. " We'll be back. Take care of yourself, Firehawk" I responded with a soft smile. "See you on the other side, soldiers." I said, hopping down off the truck as Iron Bear followed. I held my gun close, my body tense and ready to pounce at any sign of a threat. The rest of them followed closely, our eyes surveying the area. When we finally arrived in the bandt nest of poorly built shacks and tents of ripped cloth, we nodded to each other as we got ready for a fight. A scream sounded in the distant as we say a herd of bandits racing towards us with nomads trailing behind them, armed to the teeth. We braced ourselves as the carnage commenced. Gunshots echoed with the war cries of those we were mowing down, each with our own groups to eliminate. Iron Bear's shells rained down upon us as his machine guns blasted.  The heat of battle made my breath quicken and depthen. With every dodge and attack I managed, the further I became from my troupe. Sweat dripped from my forehead as I rolled out from under a saw blade flying towards my head. My heart stopped as I began rolling through a whole in the broken floor boards of my protection.  I fell to the ground as pain made my vision spoltched with black and white spots. "Ah!" my shreik of pain bounced off of the walls and jumped around back to me. "Look, Troy." a sneer in the voice to my left remarked, " A gift from above.". A male voice laughed as I passed out from pain and fatigue. 

Timeskip brought to you by Troy and Tyreen attempting to learn to speak bandit

I went to rub the sleep from my eyes as metal restraits prohibited my movement. "What the-" I swore to myself. The darkness around suddenly vanished as light flashed through the small room. "Good morning, sleepy head." Tyreen said, placing a hand on her hip with Troy close behind her. "Why am I here?" I questioned, a glare replacing my confusion on my face. " What a pleasant greeting." Troy muttered and approaching me. "Why not just kill me?" I asked. "Because you've been to much trouble to let you get off that easy." Troy explained, "Plus, it'll be great entertainment for our public.". "You're kidding." disgust rolled off of my words and dripped like poison. "Nope!" Tyreen answered with a grin, "You're gonna become our new play thing!". " Not just infront of the public." Troy chided in with a wink.  Tyreen bumped into him with her side and placed her arm over his shoulders. "Way to ruin the suprise." she pouted before looking at me with a smirk to which I simply raised an eyebrow at. My annoyance with the situation was plain as she leaned down and grabbed my chin with her hand, forcing me to look at her. " You've been quite feisty when it somes to fighting us, so we figured we'd keep you for a bit. See if we could break you." she cooed in my ear with her soft voice. A blush dusted my cheeks as she leaned back and against Troy. " See you later,  veiwer." he said as they left the room, leaving me to fight with my emotions that swarmed my head and fell like a fog on my thoughts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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