Shinso didn't know why, but it pissed him off a little hearing this. Maybe it was because that he found Sakura actually really kind and she seemed like a caring person. "You care about him huh?"

Sakura looked at Shinso in surprise from his question. Then she smiled. "Yeah, I do."

Shinso then leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pockets. "Then don't let him let you push away. If you care about him, make sure he knows that. Sometimes you have to break down their walls to get closer to them."

'Break down their walls huh?' Sakura then looked at the ground and smiled. "I gotta admit, Shinso. You give pretty good advice."

Shinso shrugged with his arms. "I have my moments. Now go and talk to that guy. It's obvious you want to."

He was right. She did want to go to talk to Todoroki. And this time she knew exactly what to say to him. She stood up. "Thanks, Shinso. I'm going to go right now." She started walking towards the stairs but she stopped to say one last thing to Shinso.

"And don't listen to those people who think your quirk is similar to a villain's. They are just jealous because they know you're going to be a great hero someday," she smiled at him before she disappeared down the stairs.

Shinso stood there shocked. Then he felt a big smile crept up onto his lips. "Thank you, Sakura. You have no idea how much that means to me," he whispered.

Shinso looked down to the stadium and couldn't help but wish that she had stayed longer. He had really enjoyed her company. He touched his cheeks and realized he was blushing.


Sakura POV

I walked through the tunnel searching for the bi-colored hair boy. I only had a short amount of time to talk to him before my match starts.

"Come on Todoroki. Where are you?" I mumbled.

Then I saw him. He was about to go into one of the waiting rooms.

"Todoroki!" I yelled as I ran up to him.

He looked at me with the same cold expression. His right side was covered with shards of ice from his match. "I'm Sorry Sakura, but I can't talk right now," he bluntly stated as he opened the door.

But I wasn't going to have any of his excuses. I put my hand over his and shut the door. "I'm getting real sick and tired of your apologies, Todoroki."

I could tell he was annoyed by my action. He was giving me his famous cold stare. "I don't have time for this, Sakura," he hissed.

I glared at him right back. "My match is starting in a few minutes and I spent all my time beforehand to find you. You will make the time, Todoroki," I said sternly.

He looked at me in surprise from my tone. I took a deep breath and looked at him with a softer expression. "Look, I know you're hurting. You can talk to me."

I wasn't going to let him suffer alone anymore. I wanted him to talk to me and let me in. He was my friend and I was not going to let him pretend that he was okay.

"What do you know about me, Sakura?" He snapped back. "What makes you think that I'm hurting? You don't know me. Just because we hung out and talked a few times? Because you th-"

"Because I care about you! Because you're my friend!" I yelled. I was so frustrated from him pushing me away all day today. 'No, I'm not letting him do that again.'

Without even a second thought, I grabbed the collar of his uniform and slammed him to the wall and looked him right in the eye. He looked bewildered from my aggressive action.

"You're my friend and I care so damn much! And I don't want to see my friend suffer," I felt my eyes started to sting. 'Dammit. Don't cry, don't show that you're weak.'

He still looking at me in shock. "No matter how many times you push me away, I'm not going anywhere. I will push back, Todoroki," my voice was stern as I glared at him.

He still didn't say anything. I took that as a sign to keep going. "Earlier today, you said I was nothing to you. That I was just someone you needed to beat."

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "Which I know is bullshit! I know behind that cold expression that you also care." I took a moment to breathe. "When I see you, my heart breaks because I see that you're hurting. And all I want to do is help you, but you won't let me in! So goddamit Todoroki! Just let me in!" I felt my voice crack and something rise in my chest.

He turned his head away. He wouldn't meet my eyes.

"I know that this is about your father and you not using your left side," I softly said.

He looked back at me and I almost shuddered. His eyes were full of hatred and anger. "I hate that man. He is only using me to bypass All Might. That's the only reason why he wants me to use my fire side," he growled.

I took a deep breath and softened my grip on his shirt. "Todoroki, you look at your left side as your father's. That's why you refuse to use it. But you have to accept it as your own side. The more you refuse it, the more you're letting your father win."

He turned his head away once again. "Look at me." He slowly turned to see me. His eyes were now glistening. "You have to learn to accept both sides. It doesn't matter if it came from your father. Because those two sides make who you are." I felt my eyes soften. "And it makes me so sad that you're rejecting it. Because you don't see what I see. Both of sides of you are perfect," I said with a sad smile.

I stared into his heterochromatic eyes. I slowly raise my hand to touch his scar on his left eye. To my surprise, he didn't flinch. He leaned in closer to my touch.

"Get ready for the next match! Can our next two players prepare to enter the stadium!" I heard Present Mic's voice echo though the hallway.

I slowly drop my hand to my side. I had to leave to go to my match. I look at Todoroki one last time and study his expression. He was looking down, but he didn't seem angry anymore. His face was more relaxed and calm.

I slowly turn to start walking toward the entrance. Before I start walking I say one last thing. "I know that you push people away because you want to prove that you're strong. Trust me, I know. I used to do the same thing," I sadly said.

Then I remembered all the good people I met when I finally let my guard down; Izuku, Ochaco, everyone in my class, even Katsuki. I felt a small smile crept up to my lips.

"But sometimes even the strongest people need a little help. That's how you become stronger," I quietly stated.

I left the quiet boy alone as I walked away. As I almost reach the end of the tunnel, I thought about if I had finally broke down Todoroki's walls. Maybe I made things worse, who knows.

I felt the light hit my eyes and heard the roars from the crowd. I spotted Kaminari at the opposite side of the battle field as I climbed up the stairs.

'I did my best to break through his ice. I have something else to focus on.'

I made my way to the top of the cement field. I closed my fists and raised my head high.

'Now, I focus only on winning.'

A/N: holy shit i'm actually getting some reads. that makes me nervous and paranoid about my work lol. pls let me know what you guys think!

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