Found By You Pt. I

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>This story is in first-person view

>Author's note at the end of the story. Please read! :>


My heart raced as I struggled to keep my balance, vision going hazy as I slowed down. Heavy panting broke the silence as I leaned against an old tree. They almost got me, I said to myself as I loosened my grip on my red cape. It had been nearly thirty minutes since I escaped the cold metal gates of the mansion. My mind raced as the sounds of alarms stuck inside my memory. Only thirty minutes and I could've gotten them off my head.

I'm not going back. Not after what had happened these past months. I'll never forgive them. Never!

I dusted off my now dirty white nightgown that is now torn from the twigs of dead bushes and fallen branches that I crossed on my path. It has holes, I hissed, now there's a bigger chance that they'll find me! I need to go further, but my legs are close to giving up. The atmosphere in this dense forest is eerie. Silent. The only sounds I can hear are my quick breaths.

Only thirty minutes and I'm this deep into the woods.

After three minutes, my legs regained a bit of strength, enough for me to keep going. I went on, running nonstop, without looking back. The denseness of the forest seemed to fade, the moon's light breaking through the thick wood. I slowed down, admiring every bit of the new surroundings, from the shadows of the trees to the stars visible above.

"Ah!" I came crashing to the ground with a thud, muttering curses. My foot! Words screaming inside my head, as I looked back and saw the root that I tripped over.

How can I be so careless? This is probably the reason why they hate me. After all I've done for them, yet—

"Feeling lost, Y/N?"

My (e/c) eyes widened as a shadow loomed above me. I slowly looked up, and saw a werewolf in all his glory sitting down on a huge rock. His unique formal clothing, his raven-colored hair with grey accents slicked to the side, and his human-like smile gave him his human feaures, but the presence of his extra pair of ears on his head and his fluffy blueish tail gave it away. What really caught my attention was the way his ruby-red eyes were staring at me.

I have read books back in the mansion about werewolves and other unsightly creatures, but this one belonged to none of them. He took my breath away, but he seemed awfully familiar.

Hold on...

Isn't he...!


Found By You [A Wolf! Lucifer x Reader one-shot fanfiction] Where stories live. Discover now