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It was a normal day, well if you count being trapped inside your house because of lockdown a normal day then yeah, it was a normal day.

Izzy sat in her room bored, it was like 2am or something, she didn't want to sleep so instead she began to read on one of her favorite apps, Wattpad. She found a fan fiction about two youtubers that she really liked and shipped, she was enjoying the story but at the end of one of the chapters, the author's comment changed her life...

Izzy POV

I had just finished the chapter when I noticed that the author had wrote something at the bottom it was just a load of swear words or curse words like "Shit, fuck, damn" Oh, they used "damn" I didn't think anyone else used that lol but I didn't understand the point of the random bit of curse words so I looked at the comments on it and saw someone commented "Umm you stole my line why is everyone stealing my line "damn" is my thing oh and what do you want from me" I decided to comment on that, talking about how damn is my thing, next thing you know we are organising a fight in Hawaii where we throw fish, sleep with them in a pool, stay overnight in a tent, make a joke about Sam and Kat, have their entire friendship group over including Homer, that weird kid and the cool kid, wear masks and gloves cause of coronavirus and eat snacks cause it's not the same without them- eventually there was about 80 replies to that comment, all because "damn" is my thing, and it ALWAYS will be. Eventually, we had another really long conversation like that in a comment section again and then began reading each other's work, I enjoyed what she wrote and wanted to become friends with her so when we exchanged Snapchat's I was more than happy. The weird thing is, if I hadn't looked at her comment and replied then I wouldn't have made a new friend but of course she lives thousands of miles away, great, absolutely amazing, I'll probably never see her even though she's sick as fuck, but maybe, one day we would meet, maybe by chance, like the chance that we had met in the comment section of a gay fanfic...

Aly had just got the app Wattpad not that long ago when she started to read fanfic and she really wanted to talk to people on the app but didn't want to seem weird my going on someone story and asking to talk to them.

Aly's POV
I just got an app called Wattpad because I was really into writing I would fill books up with stories. So I got the app and saw that there was fan fiction and almost as fast as a cheeta I looked up solby fanfic, why? Because I can, but at the end of one of the stories the author wrote something that I laughed at which was "shit fuck damn" I commented on it by saying "umm you stole my line why is everyone stealing my line "damn" is my thing and what do you want from me" I commented that because the author used damn once or twice in the story and I commented on those sentences as well. But after an hour or something like that I got a notification saying someone replied on my comment, but who would do that? I replied back and we started to organize a fight in Hawaii with our favorite youtubers and with a bunch of other stuff like a horse that looks like two people and a squirrel and we even talked about a cat that a YouTuber name Corey ran over. We ended up talking a lot like 80 comments later a lot. We ended up talking again and reading each other's stories and I realized she was like me, you know we both like the same youtubers we both have dogs and we both kinda have a dark soul (thanks for recognising that-Izzy). I really wanted to be her friend so I suggested it to her and she said yeah. We ended up exchanging snapchats and texting quite a bit. Even know we haven't met and we probably never will, I feel like we're already good friends like we've been friends since we were born even know we haven't. But I do really hope we could meet sometime because so far she is awesome no she is more than awesome. The weird thing is that if I never come across the app and download it when I found out you could write, I would have never meet Izzy and would have never met my new friend and would possibly me sitting in bed not with only one friend that I barley talk to since she is usually asleep or busy or she just doesn't answer. All because of an app and some fanfic I meet Izzy, and you know damn well that I was excited to be her friend and yes I have claimed the word damn it is mine I'm even trying to get it to be mine in the dictionary well I'm trying ok we all no I'm not trying but if I have to i will because damn is my word.

(No damn is my word so do even try- Izzy)

(Oh damn no damn is my damn word so back the damn away of the word damn the damn word is my damn word-Aly)

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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