"You're very forgetful, Win. What will I do with you?"


"I promised you we'll go skinny dipping. I promised you that when we went out to drink for the very first time here at the resort."

He completely forgot about that and he never expected that Bright could still remember it. It was three months ago and a lot had happened since then. Besides, he was drunk as fuck that night.

"I was drunk," Win stated, echoing his thoughts in his mind.

"But I wasn't. And I don't break my promises," Bright said before he clutched the garter of his boxers.

Win shut his eyes so hard when Bright began to take off his boxers. He heard a low chuckle followed by a very faint crunch of footsteps against the sand and then he heard a splash of water. He opened his eyes and saw that Bright was already in the ocean, his lower body dipped below the waters and Win thankfully sighed. He saw that Bright's pants, shirt, wrist watch, shoes and boxers were on the sand- Wait, boxers?! He really went in there butt naked?!

"Win, the water is cold. Join me," Bright said before turning and swimming a few inches away. Bright didn't want to get that far; it was dark already and all he wanted was to try night swimming, to freshen up his once chaotic mind- and do skinny dipping with Win.

Win contemplated at first. He weighed the consequences of his actions but when he saw Bright emerge from the water, his hair dripping wet as he shook his head off to get rid of the salty water on his face, he knew he could not miss a chance to get near Bright. He began to take off his clothes and Bright urged him to hurry, laughing when Win almost fell as he was struggling to take his pants off.

"Turn around, pervert!" Win shouted as he was down to the last piece of cloth on his body.

Bright smirked and shook his head in amusement but he did turn away and gave Win the privacy he asked for. Win took off his boxers, and he felt exposed but it was too late to regret his decision now. He ran to the waters and he swam to where Bright was.

When Win reached him, he saw that Bright was looking up at the moon. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Win stared at the moon too but he turned to the naked man on his side and whispered, "It is."

"You know, while I was away, the only thing that was keeping me sane was the moon. When I look up, I remind myself that we are under the same sky, looking at the same moon. That was enough for me to let you breathe alone without me by your side. I gave you the space you wanted, Win."

Win knew that Bright was never the kind of person that holds back, but with what Bright had just said, he was more amazed at how Bright was so honest with his feelings to Win, something that Win had never done to the latter, something that he failed to do.

"I was wrong. I-I never needed that space. I-I was scared, Bright," He confessed as he looked back to the bright white moon in front of them.

"Scared of what, Win?"

"Scared that I'd lose you to a woman, because she can give you things I couldn't. She's someone... fit for you, Bright."

"The only person who'll decide who's fit for me is myself," Bright said. "And that is you, Win. I chose you and I will choose you over and over again. How many times do I have-"

"I love you," Win blurted out.

The words he said were something he never thought of, but he just felt it right now. The puzzle pieces that he had been trying to fix before were now complete. When he realized he liked Bright, he thought that was it. But Bright's absence made him reassess his feelings and it all came down to one conclusion- he was in love with Bright.

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