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The main characters of this story are:

Izzy (Isabelle)
Izzy is quite a bright person but absolutely hates confrontation, she can be confident at times but mainly tries to avoid any conflict.
She is small compared to most and is 5ft tall for some reason...She has short hair, like pixie cut ish not that mid length hair. She has hazel eyes and brown hair, she's pretty basic looking to be honest.

Not many people share her interests as they are varied and wide but when she found Alycia, she was happy, she hadn't met a single person like her and enjoyed talking to her. However, she lived thousands of miles away from Alycia and there was barely a chance of even meeting her, but she had just a bit of conscience that told her they would be able to meet, someday.

Aly (Alycia)
Aly isn't the kind of person to make friends, she was never really a social person and didn't trust most people or things, but she does stand up for her self and says what she wants, she not the person that is easily pressured into things. She isn't into most things that others are. She doesn't play sports, and she doesn't go to parties. The only thing she does like is being alone so she can write stories. Aly has blonde hair just a little longer then her shoulder. she has blue eyes. She isn't tall but kinda short she about 5.1 maybe shorter.

Not to many people like her since she usually just sits and writes all the time and when she isn't doing that she listening to music and sitting on the couch or outside. when Aly started to talk to Izzy she felt comfortable. with most people Aly doesn't like to tell them about her. but with Izzy she was fine with telling her all about her. She didn't fell the need to lie about her self or her life. Alycia went pass the fact that they rarely know one another and knew that she was a good person. But when Aly found out that Isabelle didn't live no we're near her, she thought to her self that there was no chance they would meet in real life. But the positive part of Alycia told her one day they would meet.

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