"Of course."

Kurt hesitated, evidence of a small smile on his face. "Are you guys all gay?"

The four boys sitting in front of Charlotte and Kurt chuckled at his question as Charlotte unintentionally sat up straighter.

"Uh, uh no," Blaine said with a smile once he finished laughing. "I mean, I'm bi, but these two have girlfriends."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Elliott's eyes shot to Blaine and then to Charlotte, who gave her brother a victorious look as his mouth tightened.

"This is not a gay school. We just have a zero-tolerance harassment policy," David nonchalantly told Kurt.

Wes shifted his focus from David to Kurt. "Everybody gets treated the same, no matter what they are. It's pretty simple," he said with a shrug.

"Wow." Charlotte let out an uncomfortable little laugh as she glanced between the boys before landing on Blaine. "Unless you're either a Cheerio or a football player, you don't get too much respect over at McKinley."

Blaine's eyes softened as he looked at the girl, but turned his focus towards a misty-eyed Kurt when he noticed Elliott watching him with concern.

Charlotte moved to wrap her small arm around her best friend's shoulders as Elliott looked to Blaine, silently waiting for him to do something.

Blaine turned to Wes and David. "Would you excuse us?" He spoke in a gracious tone to the two, nodding at Elliott to remain at the table.

"Yeah. Take it easy, Kurt," Wes said gently as he and David got up from their seats.

"It was so nice to meet you, Charlotte," David told Elliott's sister kindly, earning a smile out of her as he exited the room with Wes.

Kurt and Charlotte were left with Blaine and Elliott, who were watching Kurt with concern-filled faces from across the table. Charlotte's arm remained around Kurt as he adverted his tear-filled eyes from both of the boys.

"I take it you're having trouble at school," Elliott said gently, causing Charlotte to look up at her brother, meeting his eyes. His sentence came out more like a statement than a question for Kurt to answer.

Kurt took a moment to respond, eyeing Elliott's coffee cup while he spoke. "I'm the only person out of the closet at my school." He nodded as he slowly looked up to meet Elliott's eyes, which had softened considerably. Tears began to fall down Kurt's face as his spoke. "And I... I tried to stay strong about it, but... there's this Neanderthal who's made it his mission to make my life a living hell." He shook his head, casting his eyes down once again. "And nobody else seems to notice."

Charlotte leaned her head onto Kurt's shoulder after he finished. Once again, she couldn't understand how people like Karofsky could be so cruel to someone just because they were different. Kurt was one of the most true friends that she had at McKinley, and she hated the fact that so many people would never get a chance to see that because of their own prejudices against him when he had done absolutely nothing wrong. She would have loved to force Karofsky to stop and get it through his thick skull that he was wrong, wrong about every single thing he thought he knew about Kurt.

However, she knew deep down that no matter how much she stuck up for him, no matter the extremes that she would go to in order to protect him, none of it would ever be enough to change someone like Karofsky.

"I know how you feel," Blaine interjected, a distant look on his face as Charlotte peered up at him. "I got taunted at my old school, and it really..." Blaine clenched his jaw as he shook his head, as if to shake out the bad memories. "... pissed me off. I even complained about it to the faculty," he added, casting his attention back to Kurt. "And they were sympathetic and all, but you could just tell that..." Blaine trailed off as he searched for the right words, "nobody really cared. It was like, 'Hey, if you're gay or bi or anything in between, your life's just going to be miserable. Sorry. Nothing we can do about it.'"

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