Chapter 1

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“Where is he?” questioned Will. “I know he lives in this town.”

“Who knows.” Sarcastically replied Gilian,” you're the expert.”

“Gilian, you’re the head of the rangers. You should be helping.” Said Will wanting to crack him on the head.Then out of the corner of Will's eye he see's Hal.

“There! Gilian! Let's go! I saw him!” Cried Will.

“Are you sure?” questioned Gilian, “remember what happened last time?”

“Yes i'm sure! And quit bringing that up. That was a honest mistake.”

And with that, Will ran off leaving Gilian behind.

Man, This would be much faster if I had Tug right now... Tug...

The weight of his golden oak leave around his neck just got heavier. Tears started welling up in the corners of his eyes. He had to leave Tug behind when he accepted the golden oak leave.

Snap out of it. You chose how it was going to happen


Will hit the ground, but he didn't land on the ground. There was something under him but it didn't quite register to him.

“Can you get off of me?” came a muffled voice from somewhere.

Will barely noticed the voice.

“Gilian. Help. My bones are getting old. And... I think the ground just said something.” Groaned Will from the road.

“Up you go buddy.” Gilian said while heaving Will up off the person.

Will took in his surroundings while cracking his back after the fall.

“Sheesh. I don't work as well anymore. I'm getting too old for this.”

Will then felt more tears coming on.  And he could remember Halt saying that all the time.He remembered watching his adopted father Halt, go into an eternal sleep. Then Will's eyes landed on Hal. This person he ran into had a clean sharp face with slightly Araluen shaped Blue eyes. He had well cut brown hair, and had very fit muscles. Then it dawned to Will. Will's eyes widened and then he apologized quickly.

“Oh! Hal! I'm so sorry! I was consumed with my thoughts” He said as he sneakily wiped a tear.

But it wasn't quite quick enough for Hal, And Hal also had a suspicious gleam in his eyes. Hal was eyeing the big white and black clad cloaks and the huge longbows. He was mostly suspicious of Gilian because of his sword at his side.

“Um. Do I know you? And how do you know my name?” Hal said eying them.

Will was still shaken up from the thought of Halt, so he shot a look to Gilian to answer Hal.

“No. You probably don't know me, you might know him though. Were Araluen...”

“Wait. Your Araluen,” interrupted Hal, “No one comes from there anymore. Never had anyone over here since the last time Will Treaty was here. I wasn't even alive when he was here. I wish I could meet him.” Hal said almost sadley. But then he snapped back into his “tough-guy” mode, “And again! How did that one know my name?!”

By this time Will had gotten his wits back and he was able to reply this time.

“Well first off,” Will half-choked out, “I have been looking for you. Second, you confirmed you were Hal which is good. And last, you just got tackled by the guy you always wanted to meet.”   I still got my humor. Thought Will. When no one laughed he sighed inwardly, maybe not.

Hal’s eyes bulged.

“Your Will Treaty! This is the best day of my life!” Exclaimed Hal, but noticing that he was acting childish Hal snapped back to controlling himself.

“So. What do you want with me?”

“Well,” started Will, “We want you to come with us back to Araluen.”

“What! Why!?” Cried Hal.

“Whoa! Calm down.” said Gilian. “We want you to come back to be a ranger for us. We are having trouble finding people to be rangers.”

“But why would you want me? I thought you guys thought that we were just Big. Clumsy.  Loud. Skandians.” Said Hal with a slight hint of insult directed at Will in his voice.

Will brushed the insult aside and replied smoothly “Because, I have heard great things about you. And, we really need Rangers.”

“I’m not going to come with you.”

“But we need you to come! There aren't any good candidates!  We haven’t gotten a new ranger in three years! We normally add at least 7 every year!

“I don’t care! I don’t want to go. I’m fine just staying here.” Hal then turned and started walking away.


Will saw that they were losing him and with a look of desperation, Will looked at Gilian and then looked at his oakleaf. Gilian understood the gesture, and gave an almost imperceptible nod,  Will wanted to have his silver oakleaf back.

“Hal! Wait!” said Will

“What do you want! I already said no.”

“You will be my apprentice.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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