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“It was a sunny day in Skandia, if you can call it that since it’s sunny about three days a year. Anyway; there was a ranger named Hal.

Now Hal was a different kind of person. He was a mysterious kind of person. He was part of the ranger corps.

The ranger corps? Well, I could tell you a lot about the ranger corps.But most people in the kingdom couldn’t tell you anything about them. They’re a very secretive organization. No one knew much of them unless you were a ranger.


Me? I’m not a ranger. I’m just a warrior named Horace, but there is a person, Will

Treaty, he was the best ranger of all. And, he is my best friend.

And why is his last name Treaty? Well... He never knew his actual last name, so when he made the peace treaty with Skandia, the first ever and only time Skandia ever made a peace treaty, the king granted Will the last name of Treaty.

But now Will has his golden oak leaf. The symbol of a retired ranger. He is my best friend. But there is one young ranger to come close to him. He is from Skandia. Skandia of all places! Now that’s different.

‘Why is this such a surprise to me’ you ask? Here is why...He is the first ever Skandian to be one of the royal rangers.

You ask me “What is Skandia? I keep hearing you talk of this place.” If you want some background on Skandia. Skandia is a winter country. It is up north, closer to the north pole than any other country.

It is mainly viking type people that live there. The men and women that live there are a big race. I mean like tall and VERY muscular. They also LOVE fighting and raiding places with tons of riches. But if you're a good friend, you get a hug from them,and then you won't have breath for a while.

I’m the biggest guy in battle school. I’m also the master of the battle school. But they still can squeeze the air out of me. And it is not fun.

When I was young, I was an amazing warrior, the best, as my master said.


But now back to the story I was telling. I can get off topic really easily.


So, the skandians name is Hal Mikkelson.  He is a very different type of Skandian. He is a slim small guy with sandy blonde hair.   He has a very different background too.

Well... first off; Hal grew up with no dad. His dad had died in a raid.

And his mom... well... she is Araluen. The first time recorded in history that there was a Skandian father and a Araluen mom. So Araluen is where the rangers are from and where the king lives. Skandia and Araluen are two different countries too. Skandia, as I said before, is pretty much winter all the time; while Araluen is more mild, hot summers and cool winters. And also, Skandians are more like vikings, while Araluen's are more like common folks that have a king.

So, Anyway, Hal lived alone with his mother and his mentor: Thorn.

Thorn was the greatest warrior in all of Skandia until he lost his hand in battle. Then he turned into a complete drunkard. But then Hal got Thorn out of his bad habits of drinking. And now, Hal made Thorn a club that goes on the end of his hand. And now Thorn is a great warrior again.

But now, Hal no longer lives with them... Will Treaty heard of his skills of fighting and how well he works with thinking things through and quick; and thought he would make a great ranger. Will was right. Now; here is Hal's story...

Starting in Skandia...

RA: 12: The Skandian RangerWhere stories live. Discover now