History can't be rewritten

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The Traveller sat on the small swing that was attached to the bottom of the panel, it was usually seen as a dumb idea but the man never cared as he stated that it was fun and helpful.

"Traveller! I have a question!" Exclaimed Emily as she walked into the dialuis while holding some books. The Traveller looked up and spoke out, "Down here, I've just finished fixing the dialuis." Emily smiled and began to make her way down to the man while the Traveller took off his goggles that rested on his forehead, "Whatcha need kiddo?" Emily bit her bottom lip before speaking, "Well, my homework was to see if the impossible is possible. So I came to you to see if changing a bit of history is possible."

The Traveller flinched back and stood up as he wore a stern and offended look, "History cannot be changed in any way. Not even if it means something great." The Traveller began to walk down a corridor, leaving a confused and concerned Emily behind. She began to think if something had occurred for him to react this way, she made her way back to the console and leaned against it.

"Is it what I said?" Asked the young gal out loud, earning a small hum from the machine as a reply, "I should probably apologize then...... I didn't mean to cause a memory to return like that."

The Traveller sat on the edge of an indoor swimming pool, looking at the small fishes that swam by. Emily gently sat next to him and gave him a cookie while smiling softly, "I'm sorry for bringing up a bad memory...... Seems like you-" Before she could finish, the Traveller spoke, "Logan....... His name was Logan." Emily looked over at him and tilted her head a bit, "Logan? Like Logan Hantson from that shooting a few years back?" The Traveller nodded softly.

Years back, Logan Hantson had enough of his school and chose violence as the answer. He walked down the halls as he held a rifle, he wore the facial expression of hatred as if he had been boiling for hours like an egg in water.

The Traveller ran down the halls as he held his screwdriver with his mouth while he bandaged his left arm, all that ran through his mind was to get to the boy.

The man made it to the boy as he now held the screwdriver, "Logan!" He Shouted out for the attention of the young fellow. Logan turned to look at him and aimed his weapon at him as he spoke out, "You again! I told you to leave me alone! You're just like everyone else!" The Traveller replied to the anger of the boy, "I'm not like everyone else, Logan! I'm here to listen to you! If I didn't follow you, I would've left and never looked back! Let me help you!"

Logan's breath began to shake along with the rifle he held, "Prove it to me! Drop your screwdriver and slide it to me." The Traveller nodded and gently placed the screwdriver down onto the floor and slid it to the young man. "There," Told the Traveller, "You have my sonic screwdriver. Do I have your trust?" Logan nodded as he still aimed his rifle at him. "Logan, I know what you feel. I know the neglect you've been put through. But either way, please talk to me about how you feel. Let me help you by listening to you."

Logan began to speak, "I...... I feel lost." The Traveller nodded, "Go on, I'm not going to judge you, Logan."

"After a few minutes, I understood more of his life. Why he felt that way......." Told the Traveller as he looked at the water, "I understood what caused him to snap. He was beyond alone...... He was damaged." Emily gently placed her hand on the man's shoulder and asked with a soft tone, "What did you try to do to rewrite history.....?" The Traveller looked over at the young gal, "I tried to stop his death......."

Police men ran into the hall where the two stood in. The Traveller quickly stepped in front of Logan and shouted out, "Don't shoot! I have this under-" The officer did not care as he exclaimed, "That boy has committed a crime! We either take him out or he serves death!"

"Serve death!? Is that what he'll do? You dare say that to me!?" Yelled out the Traveller as he walked up to the officer and disarmed him. The Officer backed away in surprise as the Traveller spoke out, "You hurt that boy, and I will through you into the vortex." The man gave a threatening glare as he looked backed at the boy, "Logan. Let them arrest you, I promise that I will do everything to not have them harm you."

Emily looked at a small blue fish as she questioned, "Then what happened?" The Traveller stood silent for a few seconds before responding, "He was lowering his gun but one of those officers took it as reaching for it, so he pulled the trigger. I tried to get in the way quickly but...... The bullet only went through my shoulder and ended his life......" Emily gave a look of sorrow as the man had tears rolling down his cheeks, "I tried to save him from death......" The young gal pulled the lad into a hug and soon, the man broke into tears from the memory.

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