The Truth *Part One*

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(Sam's POV)
There is something wrong with Colby. He never comes out of his room and when I do see him he just looks so sad. I was texting him a while ago and told him about my idea for our next video and he told me that he hasn't left his room all day. I'm just so confused about what is going on with him. I decided to get some sleep because it was getting late and we do our video tomorrow night. I went upstairs to my room. When I got there I heard someone crying. It was coming from Colby's room. I knocked on his door and he opened it. As soon as I saw him I could tell he was crying. "Colby, are you ok? You look terrible." And that's when he broke down, fell into my arms and started crying. "Colby, why are you crying? What the hell happened?" I asked, but he didn't respond. He just cried harder. I felt so bad.

I picked him up and out him on his bed. I was just about to walk out when Colby graded my hand. "Can you stay with me, please?" He asked. I nodded and laid down next to him.


I was woken up to Colby thrashing around the bed and screaming. He was definitely having a nightmare. "Colby, Colby, wake up. Your having a nightmare. Just wake up!" I said, but he only got worse and started to have a panic attack. I needed help. "JAKE, COREY, AARON! WAKE UP! I NEED HELP!!!" I yelled. Minutes later, all the roommates run into Colby's room. "What the fuck is going on!" Corey said as he bursts into the room. "I swear, if this is a prank I'm going to kill you Sam!" Jake said. "What's going on?" Aaron asked. "Colby's having a panic attack. I need help. I don't know what to do and I'm freaking out!" I said. Colby has had panic attacks before, but not like this. "Colby, just calm down, ok? Look at me. Just calm down." Aaron said. Colby calmed down and I asked him what happened.

I know I suck at writing. Please don't hate me. Requests are open so if you have any, don't hesitate to comment about it and I will do my best.

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