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Tegan : morning
Lexi : my tummy
Daniel : sounds like a u problem
Tegan : ok when u cut your foot again cause u walk around bare foot we won't help u
James ; sounds fair
Daniel ; it was a joke but we can't really do anything
Lexi : i know but damn the things i would do right now to make perido go
Tegan : i took my mind off it i kept myself bussie
Lexi : what can i do
James : come wash the clothes with me and collect water with me
Lexi ; ok
Daniel ; see u in a bit
James : yh

They go

Daniel : u better help me if i cut my foot again
Tegan ; no u were rude
Daniel : it was a joke and u know what I'm like now
Tegan : i know
Daniel ; so u gonna help
Tegan : should just wear shoes
Daniel ; but shoes with no socks hurt
Tegan : everyone's doing it
Daniel ; it rubs
Tegan : just wear shoes
Daniel ; no
Tegan : what ever keep hurting your feet then
Daniel : i will
Tegan : fires about to go out we need logs
Daniel : ok

We get up and start collecting logs

Daniel ; in a bit do u wanna try help me make my hut again cause it collapsed twice now
Tegan ; yours is the only one not staying up
Daniel ; i know maybe the floor I'm using is uneven cause when it collapsed the second time i was in it and it all fell on me .

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : maybe we can try anuther place
Daniel : but not to far away from u all i don't like being far away
Tegan : i don't either why do u think i made mine so close to lexi and James's 
Daniel : yh
Tegan : but kinda regret it u hear things u wish u didn't
Daniel : ew
Tegan : yh but i mange to block out and just hear the water crashing aganist the sure
Daniel : thats good
Tegan : yh right i think we got enough to last the rest of the night
Daniel : yh

We go back to the beach and we throw the logs in the fire

Daniel : right my hut
Tegan : yes lets try this again
Daniel : if this falls again I'm staying with u and saying fuck it
Tegan : eh your welcome to stay u don't snore
Daniel : well thats good
Tegan : but lets try
Daniel : yh

We go to his hut and we try making it again and just falls and tried several times again but still kept falling

Daniel : i fucking give up im staying with u
Tegan : ok
Daniel : how long does it take for them to clean clothes and get water
Tegan : they might want some private time
Daniel : oh god
Tegan : not like that i mean as in there married and they probley wanna have private chats and shit
Daniel : still think other stuff
Tegan : ok well anyway I'm gonna get some fish for dinner
Daniel : I'll get coconuts
Tegan : james says stay in pairs
Daniel : I'm litrally gonna be right here climing this tree and u can see me from the water and i can see u
Tegan : ok be careful
Daniel ; i will

I walk to water taking my shirt and pants off and i go in the ocean and i get a few fish and i go back drying myself off and getting dressed .

Lexi ; wheres daniel
Daniel ; up here
James ; throw down the coconuts

He throws them down and james catchs them and Daniel gets down

Lexi : should we cook the fish and eat
James : yh

We all cook fish and we eat and while we ate we boiled the water

James ; u guys got more wood
Tegan: yh fire was going out so we got more
Lexi : good
Daniel ; so what took u so long
Lexi : just spoke and said how it feels like we've been here for months when we've only been here over a week i think i don't know i lost track of days
Tegan ; I've lost track aswell
Daniel ; i think we all have
James ; i have for sure forgotten but i think its been over a week
Lexi : yh
Daniel : guys it looks like a storms about to hit
Tegan : of course there is
James ; the fiers gonna go out and everything's gonna wet
Tegan : the things we don't want to get throw them in the suitcase
Lexi : ok

We get a load of clothes putting them in the suitcases and it starts raining

James : great
Lexi : I'm going in the hut its some what shelter
James : yh
Daniel ; see u guys when the rain stops
Tegan : bye

We all get in our huts

Daniel : I'm soaked
Tegan ; and me and were gonna carry on getting on wet cause this hut is doing nothing .
Daniel : i don't think anyones gonna get sleep
Tegan ; yh and then everyone's gonna be grumpy in the morning
Daniel ; yh but I'm used to barley getting sleep back home i stay up all night and sleep all day
Tegan : i wish i could do that but with collage its kinda diffcult
Daniel : so happy i don't go to college
Tegan ; its a killer but it helps with what career u wanna do
Daniel : yh still happy i didn't go and also a lot of money
Tegan : moving to LA is a lot of money
Daniel : i know but its something i really want to do
Tegan : yh follow your dreams
Daniel : i am
Tegan : good and never give up on them
Daniel : i don't plan on it
Tegan : good
Daniel ; I've been told I'm stupid and that i won't become a singer but I'm gonna proof them wrong
Tegan : do and when your famouse u can say fuck u look at me

He starts laughing

Daniel ; yh fuck u haters
Tegan ; exscaly
Daniel ; ow ow ow

He covers his eye

Tegan : what
Dnaiel : somethings in my eye
Tegan : look up

He looks up and i look in his eye and i wipe it

Tegan : just a bit of dirt its out
Daniel : thanks
Tegan ; no problem

We look at each other and he leans in

Lexi ; ow
James ; Lexi

Me and daniel quickly get out of the hut amd lexi on the floor

Tegan ; are u ok
Daniel : what happend
Lexi ; i wanted to dance in the rain so i was and i twisted my ankel
James : last time u do that i bet
Lexi : yes ugh
James ; i got u thanks for coming out and cheaking
Daniel : yh problem
Tegan : keep off it , it will heal quicker hoefully
Lexi ; Will do night guys
Daniel : night

I get back in the hut

Tegan ; I'm gonna try sleep
Daniel : yh

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