Chapter 2: Reverse Flash troubled. Who is Tachyon?

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Chapter 2: Reverse Flash troubled. Who is Tachyon?

Barry and the team were in the lab, analyzing the latest lead on the whereabouts of Clyde Mardon, when an alarm blared throughout the building.

"What's that?" Barry asked, looking towards the computer screens.

"It's the fire alarm, there's a fire in Central City," Caitlin answered, quickly checking the location on her computer.

"I'm on it," Barry said, and with a whoosh, he was gone.

He arrived at the scene of the fire and found a crowd of people standing outside, watching the flames lick at the sides of the building. Barry frowned, knowing that there were people still trapped inside.

He zoomed inside and found Tachyon, already carrying three people out of the building. Barry's eyes widened in surprise as he watched Tachyon move quickly and efficiently, putting out the flames with his super speed.

"Tachyon, what are you doing here?" Barry asked, catching up to him.

"Saving people, what does it look like?" Tachyon replied, smirking.

Barry was momentarily taken aback by the nonchalant tone in Tachyon's voice. He had expected the villain to be more evasive, but instead, he seemed almost eager to help.

Together, they worked to rescue the remaining people from the building, putting out the flames and carrying them to safety. The crowd cheered and applauded as they emerged, and Barry felt a twinge of confusion as he looked at Tachyon.

"Why did you help, Tachyon?" Barry asked as they stepped back from the burning building.

"I don't know. I guess I just felt like it," Tachyon replied, shrugging.

Barry was about to press further when he noticed that Tachyon's hand was in his pocket. He frowned and reached for his wallet, only to find it was gone.

"Hey, where's my wallet?" Barry demanded, taking a step towards Tachyon.

"Oops, I guess I took it," Tachyon said, smirking again.

"What? You stole from me?" Barry exclaimed, disbelief written all over his face.

"Well, technically, I stole from the firefighters and then you, but I figured you wouldn't mind," Tachyon replied, still smiling. "Nos vemos más tarde, velocista lento."

Barry's eyes narrowed, and he took off after Tachyon, determined to get his wallet back. He chased the villain through the city, dodging cars and pedestrians until they reached a quiet alleyway.

"All right, give it back," Barry demanded, stopping in front of Tachyon.

"What's the matter, Flash? Can't keep up with me?" Tachyon taunted, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Just give me my wallet," Barry said, holding out his hand.

Tachyon handed over the wallet with a smirk, and Barry took it, still eyeing the villain suspiciously.

"Why did you steal it?" he asked.

"I don't know, I just felt like it," Tachyon replied, shrugging.

Barry was about to press further when he heard the sound of sirens in the distance. He turned, realizing that the police were closing in on their location.

"I'll see you later, Flash," Tachyon said, and with a smile, he was gone.

Barry sighed, feeling more confused than ever as he looked down in annoyance.

Barry Allen then went back to Star Labs with a sigh. He reached into his pocket to grab his wallet, only to find it empty. He groaned and pulled out Tachyon's motif card.

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