*with black high top converse*

"Well, we are going to a club and you know what you can find there." I winked at Izzy and Alec just sighed.

"How do you know we're going to a club?" Izzy smiled.

I tapped the side of my nose with a smirk.

"What's with the wig?" Alec asked, as if he had only just seen it.

"What can I say? Demons dig blondes." Izzy replied, flattening the wig down.

"Of course they do, but that's white." Alec replied as we turned a corner and walked into the main room.

"Platinum. And they don't exactly like Shakespeare, okay, Alec?" Izzy asked our brother.

"You're plenty distracting on your own." Alec told her and I nodded in agreement.

"So, be yourself. Is that what's you're trying to say?" Izzy asked, making me laugh.

"Never mind. Looking good, let's go." Alec said as we walked over to Jace.

"We're ready, Jace." I told him.

"Nice choice Izzy, Demons dig blondes." Jace nodded at Izzy, then started pressing stuff on the monitor.

"It's platinum." Alec corrected him and I laughed, shaking my head.

"All right, guys, for some reason out demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood." Jace informed us as we all walked to the weaponry.

"Why do they want blood? Isn't that vampire territory?" Alec asked and Izzy looked at me.

"I haven't heard anything about vampires draining mundanes anymore then usual, or using demons to get it. If you ask me, that just takes the fun out of it." I shrugged my shoulders as we walked up the stairs.

"Lazy vampires, maybe?" Jace asked.

"There must be something special about their blood." Izzy told us.

"What could be special about mundane blood?" Alec asked.

"I could find out easily enough." I spoke.

"I thought you couldn't hold it down?" Jace asked me as he pressed a button and the weapon holder opened.

"That's blood bags, I haven't tried the vein yet." I replied, taking a sword from the weapon rack and attaching it to my thigh-holster.

"You're not taking anymore?" Alec asked as Jace passed him two swords.

I opened my mouth revealing my fangs then smirked.

He turned back to the others.

"That's too risky, you get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for." Izzy told us, directing the first past at me.

"We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for." Jace told us and we began to walk back down the stairs.

"So you don't think they're acting on their own?" Izzy asked.

"No." Jace replied.

"They're not exactly creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters." Alec spoke.

"I'm a creative thinker." I told him.

"Yeah but, you're different." Alec replied.

I hummed in response.

"This is what our target looks like." Jace told us as we walked over to a monitor.

JC Lockwood Where stories live. Discover now