imagine being in love? couldn't be me

16 1 2


- Pick 10 of your OCs in any order. If you don't have 10 OCs use canon, borrow yer friends's char, whatever.
- Don't look at the numbers in the questions while picking the characters! (it's more fun that way)
- Link back to the blank.
- Have fun!

PICK YOUR LOVERS (or haters)!

1. Miu
2. Haku
3. Kanjo
4. Rika
5. Lucie
6. Amy
7. Vivi
8. Belle
9. Hani
10. Raimu

yes I'm including some fruit waifus in this


1. So, [8], what do you think about Valentine's Day?

Belle: I think it's super romantic~

2. Believe it or not, but [3] was convinced to go to a blind date. Turned out his/her partner is [6]. How was the date go?

Kanjo: bro,,, mwa,,?

Amy: Bro!!! Mwa!!!!

3. Later [3] and [6] found out that [5] was the one who picked them for the blind date...

Lucie: I'm a succubus, I know what I'm doing

4. Ding ding, [1] received an anonymous fan letter! What does it say?

"I think you're very pretty and cute!"

Miu: thank you but who are you

5. [7] caught [2] and a crocodile in fancy hat went to a movie together. How romantic!

Haku: why did we take a crocodile with us?

Vivi: 'because he's friendly'

6. Ehem, [9], can you please describe your ideal partner/dream date, no matter how weird it might sounds?

Hani: Uh.. I guess someone that understands me? Someone that knows how to treat me right, and will love me no matter what.

Belle: So... Kid and Uva?

Hani: SHUT UP-

7. I see, I see... And what does [10] think about [9]'s description?

Raimu: *taking notes*


Raimu: fanfiction?

8. [4] is dared to kiss someone in this meme, who would he/she choose? (The creator of this meme is nice so it doesn't have to be a kiss on the lips, unless you want to. :P)

Rika: ...honestly belle is really pretty but I know her boyfriend would try to murder me if I did

Belle: awww~

9. [6] and [8] are fighting for [5]. How come?

Amy: we were gonna go watch a movie!

Belle: well I wanted to go to the park with her~

Lucie: I am just s- I am just sitting here-

10. Oh noes! [2] was kidnapped by heavy-armed evil hamsters and was taken to a castle to become king hamster's new sweetheart! Anyone want to make a rescue team?

Miu: *grabs gun* I'm on it


Miu: I've had this since I shot someone in the hand

Raimu: I- hsjdhdjwhsh???

11. Would [10] receive any chocolate or gift on Valentine's Day? Anything from someone in the meme?

Raimu gets a box of chocolates and she just


12. [3] randomly walks in and sees [7] sitting on [1] and they're both on a bed.

Kanjo: so whatcha up to

Miu: she wanted to show me some drawings

13. [4] and [5] is giving [6] some pieces of love advice. What're they?

Rika: If you like someone, be honest with them and tell them how you feel whenever you're ready to do it

Lucie: and if they say no, you eat them

Rika: Exactly- wait what—

Amy: Okay!

Rika: AMY NO-

14. A wild hobo appears! He gives [9] a flower!

Hani: who the fuck-

15. [8] received a mysterious gift box from [2]. What's inside it?

It's a mango with a note that says "I heard that mangoes were your favorite fruit"

Belle: aww~ how sweet~

16. So, [7], have you ever played half-naked Twister? Do you want to?

Vivi: 'Why would you take off your clothes to play twister?'

17. [1] and [3], please each pick a song that describe your state of mind on Valentine's Day.

Miu: Uhhh.. not sure about songs, but I'm usually pretty happy on Valentine's Day.

Kanjo: Me too!! And for songs.. um.. this one!

18. Cool. And what do they think about the other person's song?

Miu: it's adorable oh my god

19. King hamster's castle was conquered, and [10] was in charge of re-decorate it for a Valentines event (don't care about money). How is the castle look like after the re-decorating?

Hani: looks like something out of an anime

Raimu: that's what I was going for

20. Everyone in this meme is invited to a fantastic ball in the castle. Describe it a bit and/or tag someone to end the meme!

Everyone just kinda vibes and has fun

min-teaa groove?

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