
38 1 11

Oh, how mysterious! Five of your original characters have been anonymously invited to a dinner party held by a host none of them have ever met, at some mansion none of them have ever heard of. Sounds like a fun time, right?

If your OCs have any powers or special abilities that would permit them to sense or avoid getting attacked and/or killed by our murderer, I'm afraid upon entering the mansion they have all been disabled. No avoiding this one, kids.

Ready to begin?

1. First, choose five of your OC's to be invited to the mansion and to partake in the horror!

[1] Rika
[2] Miu
[3] Kohaku
[4] Kanjo
[5] Lucie (context: she's a succubus)

2. How fun! Alright, your OCs have finished getting all dressed up for the big event and are ready to go to the party. How is [2] feeling about all of this?

Miu: I've never been to a mansion before- have I? Whatever, this should be fun regardless

3. Whoops, no time for that! Looks like we've already arrived! The mansion is a large, foreboding building set on top of a hill. As it so happens, it's near pitch black out and raining hard. Your characters hurry to get to the door. [3] gets there first and tries to knock, but before they can, the door opens up, revealing a tall, well-dressed man with a crooked grin. How does [3] react?

Haku: *bows in respect* Thank you for having us at this lovely dinner party.

Rika: Jesus I forgot how formal he was-

Lucie: I think it's kinda cute!

Rika: who the fuck are you

4. The man welcomes our guests inside the mansion, and, with barely any time to catch their breath, ushers them into the dining room. Everyone is given assigned seats: [1] and [4] sit on the left side of the table, [3] sits on the end, [5] and [2] sit on the right side, and the host takes the remaining spot at the other end. How does everyone feel about these seats? Are there any arguments over it, or does it seem fitting?

Kanjo: !!!! We get to sit together!!!

Rika: ....yep we do

5. Well, regardless if they're happy with it or not, the host begins the feast and welcomes his guests. He explains that he's invited them all to this party because he is new in town, and he decided that holding a social event like this would help him to make some friends! Does [4] buy their story, or do they think there's something more to this gentleman? Do they try to convince any of their fellow guests of their feelings?

Kanjo: I'll be your friend!!

Rika: you trust people way too easily

6. The dinner continues, but throughout it, the host seems to get a little too comfortable with talking to [2] and begins to flirt. He attempts to reach across the table to hold their hand several times. How does [2] feel about this? How do they react?

Miu: yes hello sir I have a girlfriend and I love her very much please respect that

Lucie: that's gay

Lucie: I love it

7. Meanwhile, [5], [3], and [1] are engaged in conversation. What are they discussing? How do each of them view their host?

Rika: so you're a succubus that just kinda lives here?

Lucie: yeah pretty much, wanna see a picture of my girlfriend?

Rika: ....sure

Meanwhile haku is glaring daggers at the host because sir that is my sister please do not flirt with her-

oc hellजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें