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“Princess Gi!, the guards are coming!”
“For what?”
“For finding you!”
“Are they plenty?”
“I don't know! but just hid or be easy on them, they totally do not know you!”, “Pale! pale! pale!” old-lady followed.

“Old-lady, pardon to interrupt your morning but we occured ourselves in here to search for someone under the King's command” one of guards asked.

“Pleasure, now you may” old-lady replied.

“Hold yourself young-lady! what's with that bow?” the guards roomed the house and found the young-lady having her training for archery.

“I wonder where you get those bows”, “Speak yourself!” a guard asked and sounded mad.

“Uh, pardon royal guards, but I crafted this on my own, I didn't get this from someone or somewhere”

“But it's perfectly crafted, tell me young-lady, what is your name?”

“Jang Mi” he casted her smile and bow down to the guards.

“Jang Mi-Ah…sounds royal, what is your father's name?”

“I do not know what my father's name is, old-lady Jin Jae-Ah seen me near the lake alone, and she took care of me.” her answer.

Out of the Princess' concious, the necklace she is wearing caught one of the guards enthrallment.

“Have a good day, but one last thing, where did you get that necklace?”

“It is way too lucent, I think I have seen one like that before” the guard held the necklace.

“Where'd you got this?”

The Princess heard her hearts it beats its every beat hearing the guards words. Worries in her face can be seen naked in her eyes, her mind's thoughts are rumbling of what she must do.

“Ah, I got this somewhere in the lake, y-yah, I've seen it in an abandon boat's cottage, I did see no one there, that's why I did place myself unto there” the Princess' alibi.

“You really into lake huh?”
“Okay, very much well done”
“It's grateful for having us your time”

“Pleasure my lord” the Princess bowed.

Day to day the guards and the king himself search for the king's daughter.

Meanwhile for the Princess. She is on the training becmoning a clever warrioress all by herself. All what she had learnt under his father's training behest were applied. Day by day same scenario, the guards and the king are on search and the princess is on her becoming.

“I will avenge you dear Lord Gongyang, father.”
“May my words breached out heaven and hear my words for you.”
“I will gained back of what is ours, the townspeople, the freedom, the Asia”
“I will get it back” Princess' kneeled and pray upon.

Each day the princess gained much more of battle knowledge. “There is no other most powerful omnipotence a mortal could have but to have not just knowledge but wisdom, be clever.” as his father said. That phrase is what she's holdin' on day by day, inspiring her to be more great warrioress of their land.

314 A.D, Goryeo (Korea).

Ten years had passed, King Gorrathe is still on the look upon the Gongyang's daughter. The King feared that he might not found the said lost princess before his death, it might because the lost princess might still alive and took the kingdom took from him back to the Yang's bloodline and making all what he have done might just turn unto nothing.

The Princess made herself grow with much cleverness and outsmarting every guard she was asked upon. Her stance are goddess, her eyes are luminated with anger, her hair cupped her face showing dominance of hers.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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