"It occurred when an artery to the brain was blocked, and here is the blood clot that forms in an artery, the blocked blood flow causing him fainted," he pointed to a spot that Seokwoo hardly processed.

"But my Dad is quite healthy; he frequently exercises, too. I don't understand why he suddenly has an Ischemic Stroke?" Seok-woo asked the doctor, tried to confirm with the facts he knew.

"There are many factors; diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, or gradual cholesterol deposition. But in your father's case, it occurs because of the cholesterol plaque in the walls of arteries, obstructing blood flow," Dr. Park explained. Seok-woo could feel his hands sweating upon hearing the news.

But Seokwoo tried hard to manage his composure and asked, "Is his condition severe?"

Dr. Park sighed heavily at first, then showed Seokwoo another picture as it showed a swollen part.

"Unfortunately, when he fell, he hit his head and got another internal bleeding that worsens his condition. He needs to be treated right away," he stopped and faced the young man with a solemn expression, "your father needs immediate surgery, and we're asking for his family's consent,"

Seok-woo walked weakly toward his Mom and sister. Seoran immediately got up and approached her brother.

"What did he say?" she asked, and Seok-woo turned to see his sister.

"Dad needs surgery," he said. Upon hearing what he said, Seokwoo's mom came to her son and grabbed his hands tightly.

"I'll do anything to save your father," her expression was hoping, and Seok-woo couldn't bear to see his Mom like that. "Tell them we'll give them permission, just do the surgery,"

Seok-woo sighed. He was debating whether to tell his mom and sister about the percentage of the surgery. As Dr. Park informed him the last time he ended their conversation, the possibility of the surgery being successful was only 10 – 15%. But if his father didn't get immediate treatment, it would danger his life more.

Seok-woo shut his eyes tightly and reached to hold his mother by her arms gently. "The doctors will do their best in the surgery, just trust them, and can you promise me one thing, Mom?" Seok-woo paused to see tears were flowing hard on her face painfully. It hurt him to see his mom crying. When their eyes met, his mom finally nodded.

The younger man bitterly said as he was holding himself, he had to be strong in front of his mom so that they could get through this together, "We need to be prepared to whatever the result might be," Seok-woo saw his mom silent for a moment, then continued, "can you do that, Mom? For Dad,"

His Mom nodded though Seokwoo knew how heavy it was for her, so was for him.

Seok-woo saw a man in his office's suit came running to them. Jaeyoon, Seoran's husband, approached and immediately hugged his wife.

"Sorry, I'm late," he apologized as concern filled in his expression. Seok-woo muttered a low fine then told all his family members to help him prepared the family's consent procedure.

* * *

It was already 11.00 PM, his father had been inside the operation room for 6 hours. Seok-woo sat beside his sleeping sister. She rested her head on her husband's shoulder. Meanwhile, his mother sat anxiously in front of him.

Seok-woo checked on his phone when it vibrated twice. 2 messages from Hyeyoon.

Babe, is everything alright? How's your father?
Shall I come to Ilsan?

Seok-woo typed his reply and told her not to come since it was late already. He ensured her that everything was going to be alright. Seok-woo was about to put his phone back when he saw Hyeyoon was calling on his phone screen.

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