Jo:look what you bitches dobe

The girls run as fast as they can then we also run so that we can catch them


they all run toward our house after about 1 hour they all went to Tomika's room then we followed them Johnny left his car at school because the girls run away from us

F:guys I got the key of Tomikas room

I opened the door then saw them all crying oh no even Tomika I whispered to Zack

F:Zack,Tomika is crying she never cry

We all went to our girlfriends

Z:Girls, Listen they went to us they said if we didn't turn to them they will do something bad to you girls

J:we promised we won't break your hearts girls we promised that, we don't want them to hurt you girls

I:is it real

M:yes it is

The girls hugged us

Zack's POV
I can't believe Tomika cry'd

Z:Tomika I promised that I won't break your heart, I promise I'd take care of you and never let anyone hurt you that is why us boys faced that fuckin sluts....

T:thankyou for that...... I love you

Z:i love you to

I hugged Tomika

(Skip to tomorrow)

Tomika's POV
We are already here at school and it is already free time then we saw the sluts they came to our boyfriends
But we pushed them away

Olgy:why'd you push us?!?!?

T:they are our boyfriends so stop flirting with them you fuckin bitches

Olgy:uhh! Zack are you gonna let her talk to me like that

Z:ofcourse bitch cause she is my girlfriend

T:go the fuck away from our boyfriends

Kale:and who are you to tell us that

T:im the sister of the boy your flirting with and that boy your flirting with has a girlfriend so go the fuck away you bitch

B:or else we will tell you to Principal Mullins

Trixie:uh! we are not scared of her

Kale:we don't care and even tough you are Freddy's sister I don't care and I think....... Lizzy agree with me she's so quiet

L:my silence doesn't mean I agree with you it means I'm to smart to waste my breath dealing with your ignorant ass

S:see nobody likes you

T:And my brother doesn't like you clown face

Kale:uh! Don't call me that you weirdo and you ain't perfect girl and I'm stronger than you

T:uh! Are you always stupid or today is an occasion??!?? and I'm weird?!? bitch I'm Limited Edition and I'm ain't perfect at least I'm not you, and look I know barbie is pretty jealous of you right now because you are faker than her and your so fake even China denied they maked you and You think your strong?!?? Oh please I GO OUT WITHOUT MAKE UP ON, maybe you should eat your makeup so that you can try being pretty on the inside bitch!! and bitch if I offended you let me know SO I CAN DO IT AGAIN!!!!

I shouted at her


T:I'm ain't insulting you I'm describing you bitch

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