Jacob and Renesmee: 3

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This chapter is written in third person. Luna is unconscious lmao

     Jacob didn't know who the white wolf was or why it attacked Renesmee. He called to the others so they could help him identify it. He thought it may be someone like them, but he was unsure. Sam was the first one who responded to him, White wolf? Jake, are you sure?

     Yes, I'm sure Sam. I'm the one who brought it down.

     Is she breathing?


     Yes, she. I need you to make sure she's alright.

     Jake was appalled. Why would Sam prioritize Renesmee's attacker's health over their own? He turned back, and pulled Renesmee into a hug. "Are you okay?" he breathed.

     "Yes, I'm fine. Who is that?"

     "I think Sam knows her. I don't know. I've never seen a white wolf in our pack, and I didn't know there were others like us."

     "That's weird." She pulled away and looked toward the direction where Sam and other members of the pack were approaching.

     One by one they approached as wolves but emerged as people. Sam told Paul and Jared to help carry the girl on the ground. In her human form, everyone recognized her. The dread and surprise was evident in everyone's faces except Renesmee.

     "What's going on?" she asked. "Who is this?"

     "An old friend of ours. We thought she was gone already." Sam spoke.

     Renesmee didn't have to ask for clarification. She knew exactly what he meant. The woman laying before her seemed old, but she didn't look old. She had a weird feeling about her arrival. She looked at Jacob and saw the longing in his eyes. It was different than when he looked at her, of course. About a year ago, she found out that Jacob imprinted on her. It was like him claiming her as his soulmate, she thought. He looked at the unconscious woman differently, like how someone would look at an older sibling.

     She didn't have enough time to figure it out, as the boys began to carry her toward the reservation. Jacob didn't leave her side. "Should you go with them?"

     "Not right now. I think I'm going to walk you home."

     "Why?" Renesmee whined. She didn't like being around her oppressive mind-reading father all the time. Well, he wasn't oppressive. She understood how he felt about Jacob. He was just trying to protect his daughter. She was a full-grown adult, even though she was only in this world for seven years. She touched Jacob's face, showing him a recent memory of Edward cringing at the thoughts she had about him.

     Jake blushed. The fact that Nessie showed him what the was thinking about in the memory made him feel some sort of way. He really wanted to spend more time with her, but at the same time, Luna had come back. Eight years ago, Billy had told him that she stopped by and was gone for good. Jake refused to believe it. Luna was like a big sister to him, a mentor. She had taken care of him when no one else could, and she would randomly disappear in the woods from time to time. Jake finally understood why. He recalled how one day when he was very young, Luna had told him a story about the white wolf in the woods who watched over him and kept him safe. Of course, Jake had thought it was just a bedtime story. She had made him a dream catcher with a white wolf howling at the moon. That's me, she would tell him. I'm the white wolf always watching over you, Jakey, protecting you every step of the way.

     Nessie could sense he was in some sort of reverie. Even though she wanted to stay in the woods with him just a while longer, she knew that this person was important to him. "Do you want to to talk about it? That might give us more time to be together, and we could ask mom and dad if it's okay that I go to the reservation with you."

     "We can do that, but I'm not sure how Luna would feel about you being there if she wakes up."

     "That's fine with me. I'm faster than you. That should give me a head start, right?" she joked.

     Jake shrugged. Luna moved pretty fast for any wolf he'd ever seen. If anything then her age would slow her down, but it didn't.

     He grabbed Nessie's hand and walked toward the direction of their cottage. When Luna visited them for the last time, he was still crushing after Bella. He never thought he'd see the day when he'd be asking Bella for permission to take her daughter down to his place, but here they were.

     As Nessie slid her small, cool hand into Jake's, she showed him a memory of both of them at the beach while looking at the sunset. Bella and Edward walked up behind them, and Nessie hugged them both. Jake smiled warmly and pulled her closer to him. "I love you," he whispered.

     "I love you too," she said. They stepped through the lush green forest quickly and with ease. The sun slowly creeping past the leaves, beginning to cast long shadows on the forest floor. There was a sort of magic at this time of day.

     Nessie hoped she would have her happy ever after like her parents did. Jake wished his adopted older sister was okay. Though, they both had a gut feeling that everything was about to go south.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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