Clash of Champions

Start from the beginning

Oliver: Kayla what's up homie?

Kayla: Hey guys what's up?

Alexa: Hey girl, how's it going?

Kayla: Pretty good, you ready for your match tonight?

Oliver: Hell yeah I can't wait. Have you thought about my offer to be my tag partner in the next Mixed Match Challenge?

Kayla: I'm not doing it Oliver.

Oliver: Aw come on dude.

Kayla: Not going to happen. I'll leave the wrestling to you.

Oliver: Can't hurt a guy for trying.

While the three of us are talking Liv came over to us.

Oliver: Hey Liv, you ready for our match?

Liv: Oh yeah let's give those bitches some payback.

Oliver: Do you know when we're on? I haven't looked at the line up yet.

Liv: We're opening the show tonight.

Alexa: I'm rooting for you guys.

Oliver: Well I guess I better go get ready soon. Liv did you bring your gear that I told you too?

Liv: Yeah, why did you want me to bring it?

Oliver: You'll see in a little bit.

Kayla: I have to get going too. It was good seeing you guys.

I gave Lexi a kiss then I gave Liv a high five and walked to the locker room. Once I'm gone from the girls they start talking about me.

Alexa: Liv, can I ask you something?

Liv: Sure, what's up?

Alexa: There isn't anything going on between you and Oliver is there?

Liv: Not at all. We're just best friends that's it.

Alexa: I just wanted to make sure. I get a little insecure sometimes and I know how much time you two spend together and you're really pretty I just don't want to get hurt.

Liv: Girl you're beautiful don't be insecure. Do you know how many times he's left us hanging to go be with you.

Alexa: I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Liv: It's okay, I completely understand, he's a great guy so I can see where you're coming from.

Alexa: Good luck in your match tonight.

Liv: Thanks girl.

The show is about the start soon the pre-show is close to finishing up and Liv comes over to my locker room.

Liv: Oliver, where are you?

Oliver: In the bathroom give me a second.

Liv: Why did you want me to wear my gear from evolution?

Oliver: Because I wanted you to match mine.

I walked out the bathroom and showed off my new gear that I had made for tonight. It's very similar to the Pennywise gear that Liv wore at Evolution.

Liv: That gear is sick where did you get it?

Oliver: Sasha's husband made it for me.

Liv: What made you come up with that idea?

Oliver: That night on Raw when Jackson called us losers. I was watching IT when I was home with my knee and it made me think about this. I remember your gear had Loser crossed out and you had LIV over it so I put my name over the word Loser.

Liv: You even got the same shoes as me.

Oliver: Yup, sure did.

Liv: Let's get out there and win this tournament.

Oliver: Squad Squad on 3

Oliver & Liv: 1,2,3 Squad Squad

We fist bumped and made our way over to Gorilla and waited for our music to hit. Jackson and Leah made their way out to the ring first, then Liv and I make our way out. Once the Riott Squad theme hits the crowd goes wild. We make our way out to the stage with our matching gear we stop at the top of the stage and do our handshake that we made up then Liv gets on my back and we head down to the ring. Once we're in the ring we both jump on the ropes like she always does. As soon as we're off the ropes Jackson and Leah try to jump us from behind but we were ready for it, now I'm fired up ready to go. Liv made me start the match on the outside to cool off, Liv and Leah are going back and forth. Liv is starting to get the upper hand on Leah so she tags Jackson into the match as soon as she makes the tag, I jump in over the top rope and start laying into him.

*End of Match*

Liv tagged me back in and I hit Jackson with a rolling cutter and go for the cover but he kicked out at two. I go to pick him off the ground but he sweeps my legs out from under me and gets on top of me and starts landing punches. He gets off of me and kicks me in the gut then he puts his foot on my face and grabs my arms and starts stomping me like Daniel Bryan does. The ref makes Jackson break the move and I'm real slow to get back up but once I do Jackson and I both go for a clothesline at the same time and end up knocking each other down. Jackson and I are both laid out in the middle of the ring we've been giving it all we got. Liv is doing her best to get me back onto my feet the crowd is helping her by cheering my name. I finally can pull myself over to the corner and I make the tag the place goes crazy. Liv takes Leah down with a super kick and she's setting up for the 201 face breaker she's running off the ropes to put something extra on this one but Jackson starts running toward Liv to block her. With every once of energy I have left I hit him with a spear after I do that Jackson and I both went crashing to the ground. As I'm laying down I hear the ref hit the mat three times and the bell rings.

Mike Rome: Here are your winners. Liv Morgan and Oliver Pierce.

I pulled myself up to stand in the corner and Liv comes running to me and jumps into my arms.

Liv: We did it, we won.

Oliver: I knew we could do it. Thanks for picking up the win for us.

Liv: No Ollie, we did this together.

Liv and I hugged and then the ref held our arms up in victory. Once we got backstage we were met by Alexa, Ruby, and Sarah.

Ruby: Hell yeah good job out there guys.

Sarah: You guys kicked their asses.

Alexa: I'm happy for you two.

Liv: What do we do now that this whole thing is over? Are we done on as a group?

Oliver: I don't know. I guess we'll find out tomorrow night.

Alexa: Aw that sucks looks like you guys can't hangout anymore.

Liv: Yeah it does suck, it was fun while it lasted.

Oliver: You were the best tag team partner I ever had Olivia.

Liv: That's not saying much.

Oliver: Well I don't think you're going to steal Lexi from me and ruin my big Takeover moment so I think you're the best partner I've ever had.

Alexa: Come on Oliver let's get going.

Oliver: See you guys around.

After we left the show Lexi and I went back to the hotel. While we were in the room my phone went off with a tweet from WWE.

@WWE: BREAKING NEWS tune into Raw tomorrow night for the Superstar Shake up.

Oliver: Oh shit, this might not be good.

Alexa: What might not be good?

Oliver: There's going to be a superstar shake up tomorrow night. I really hope we don't get split up.

Alexa: Looks like we're going to have to see how things go tomorrow. There isn't anything we could do about it. Let's just enjoy the time we have together.

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