Florian and Broccolina

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Is Florian in love with Broccolina? Let's find out!

Florian can't help himself when he is around Benni's sister, Broccolina.

He loves her so much.

Broccolina can't help herself when she is around Flora's brother, Florian.

She loves him so much.

So when they're around eachother, it gets awkward, because they are too afraid to tell that they like eachother.

That is why, in the first chapter when Eve asked them if they like eachother, they didn't say anything.

Flora and Benni felt suspisious about them.

"Hey guys, when are you dating?" Benni asked.

"Dating? We're not going to date," Florian said.

"Are you sure?" asked Flora.

"Yes," said Broccolina.

Then one day, They finally admitted it.

"I thought so!" Flora said.

"I Knew it!" said Benni.

"Now, Go tell him/her," They said.

This time when they were around eachother, they admitted it.

They hugged.

"Aw," said Flora and Benni.

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