"I assume it's safe to say you escaped them fine. You're here obviously. But are you sure you're alright? How often are you having dreams like this? Should I be doing something to help you?"

You bleated a small laugh. As you stood your spine rippled with loud pops, a chorus of vertebrae twisting and aligning themselves. You walked to Erwin, offering a small smile as you hugged him. He stiffened with your touch, making you hesitate, but slowly he enveloped you in a hug as well. The past year must have been rough if he'd already become foreign to your affection.

"You can't do anything, no, but I appreciate the thought." Your voice was muffled against his chest, but still he offered you a squeeze before releasing you.

"Well, whatever the case, let's go get some breakfast. It seems like you need it." He seemed to be trying to tease you, but he seemed to straight laced to get the tone. It came more across as though he was making a bad dad joke. Still, you chuckled.

"What, you saying I look thin? Be careful eyebrows, I can still take you if I wanted to!" You boasted loudly, flexing your muscles so your small frame grew just slightly.

He rolled his eyes and opened the door, releasing you into the hallway. "I'm glad your so jazzed to fight. It'll be useful in training today." He smirked at you, watching you quizzically as you laughed, processed his words, then turned your offended expression on him.

"Wuh wuh wait, what?! Training?? No, nuhno. No way. I am not training. I'm almost a year out of practice! And I'm not staying here anyway!" You complained, still following him as he didn't wait for you.

You followed him quickly, looking at the back of his head in annoyed awe. "Are you kidding me?!" You barked.

"We both know I'm not apt to kid." He said bluntly, though smirking to your annoyance. "You'll be training with Levi and his squad, acting as a part of it, until Hanji is able to squeeze as much information out of you as possible. After that you'll be free to go."

"With that twerp?!" This exclamation came out as a scream, announcing your entrance as Erwin threw open the door to the dining hall. Many of the soldiers there halted, both in respect for their commander and awe at the small angry baked bean yelling at him.

You ignored them happily, focused completely on the betrayal of the man you dared to call your honorary brother. "Oh come on! Just stick me with this Hanjo or whoever and get it over with! Theres no reason I have to be with that bowl-cutted brickhead!" You whined.

"There's already too many people on Hanji's team as she works with titans daily. For one I'm not sure that'd be a good fit for you. For another, we need you acting as a solider so no one is suspicious of a random person returning from outside the walls. People are already rioting about food and shelter with Wall Maria down, but seeing people survive out there would jar the citizens. The safest place is to keep you with Levi so you're close but not suspicious to the public." Erwin explained.

"So what?! Just say I'm on his squad and then let me stay in my room!" You pled.

"That's not an option." Interrupted the comical man of the hour. You turned to look at Levi, his beady dark eyes exuding distaste already. Erwin seemed unfazed. "What makes you so entitled you shouldn't have to work while you're here?" He grunted bitterly.

"Maybe it's the fact I never asked to be here in the first place." You hissed back, crossing your arms. "But some undercut with a stick up his ass decided I wasn't allowed to be outside the walls alone and dragged me here!"

"It's against the law you idiot!" He barked.

"The law doesn't apply to corpses!" You rebutted, smiling deviously.

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