Chapter 4

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"You were supposed to come back once you were done." 

You leapt up, almost falling forward into the lake as you stood. Looking up at your guest, silver moonlight only seemed to make his grey eyes all the more severe. You flushed of color, looking at the raven-haired undercut of your very own stalker. "Oh, yeah. Guess I got turned around." You said sarcastically. You voice was soft for once, seeming to confuse him. He looked you up and down, intrigued by the sight of you in an actual uniform. 

"So you really are a scout?" He asked. His eyes seemed to get caught on your cloak, recognizing its damage as what you'd been wearing the whole time. 

"I was a scout. Technically you can't prove that I'm not a corpse in the eyes of the state." You retorted. 

"You know there's new cloaks as well. You don't have to wear that one." Levi then looked at your arms where you held your other clothes. His eyes traced down to your mud covered feets and discarded boots. His nose screwed up in disgust as he looked. "How filthy." 

"What, are you talking about my cloak or me in general?" You laughed quietly. Grabbing your boots from the ground, you straightened yourself and looked back on the castle. "I'm ready to go talk to Erwin if you feel like following me Undercut." As you began to walk, he grabbed your shoulder. When you turned to meet his eyes, he seemed scarily serious. 

"Wash your damn feet before walking into that castle. You're gonna get mud everywhere." He ordered. 

You paused, thinking for a moment, then laughed obnoxiously. "What? Who cares about a little mud? I won't even track that much before it's too thin to rub off." 

"I'm sorry, did I stutter?" His tone was severe, almost chilling you. Your smile fell slightly and you tried not to frown as you walked back towards the water. Folding over yourself, you stepped farther into the lake so the water lapped up your legs, so much so that the smallest part of your pants was now getting wet. Carefully balancing up on one leg, you washed you feet haphazardly before in turn, slipping them into their assigned boots. Your boots now covered your legs, barely tall enough to stay above the water. As you removed yourself from the lake, most of the mud now gone. As you looked at Levi, mocking an expression of one in need of approval. To your disdain, he didn't seem to react at all. 

You couldn't help your frown, followed closely with a heavy-hearted sigh. "Come on." You muttered. You almost achieved Levi's own level of monotone. 

Shoving past him, you surged towards the abode with an unforeseen sense of detachment. To deny you were still thinking of turning tail and running would be a lie, but with admiral neat-freak behind you, it wasn't worth it. You wove through the castle with ease, Erwin's office door left ajar just enough that you could see him. He seemed to perk up at the sound of footsteps, looking at you through the crack and motioning you inward. 

"Ah, you finally showed up I see?" He asked sarcastically. 

"You're saying you didn't send the munchkin after me on purpose? I assumed you'd already known I was stalling, hence him sneaking up on me." 

Levi entered a mere second behind you, nose bunching in a snarl. His expression resigned back to his normal deadpan as he looked at Erwin and nodded. Closing the door behind him, he turned his back and rested it against at the frame. You promptly plopped yourself down in a chair across from Erwin, posture dissolving in a very improper fashion. Superior or no, you couldn't help but be comfortable with Erwin in the room, like family almost. "So Erwin, I assume you're going to question me? Dissect my past year among the wilds. It'd be much easier just to turn me over to the military police you know?" 

You smiled coyly, trying not to think about how true your statement was in reality. "You're not wrong. You're lucky that Erwin sees the worth in keeping you around here." Levi said bluntly. 

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