chapter twenty three

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- Em -

"He gave you a promise ring?" Logan squealed, taking a look at it. Calum squealed along with Logan, which as a 'manly squeal' according to him.

"Who even gives promise rings these days? That's so cheesy." Luke scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

Logan stiffled a chuckle, "Luke, you took your crush on a canoe and had "kiss the girl" song from The Little Mermaid playing in the background."

Everyone at the table burst out laughing as Luke blushed. "You said that you would never tell anyone!" He whined.

"Well now you know not to trust me with any of your secrets." Logan stated, taking a bite out of her sandwich. 

I nodded in agreement, "You call me cheesy yet you re-enact a scene from The Little Mermaid, nice going." Michael teased.

"I feel so unloved right now, I'm leaving!" Luke announced, leaving the lunch table and throwing his lunch into the bin and he was out of our sight.

We all looked at Calum and he just shrugged, "He's just being overdramatic, he'll probably be over it in like 5 minutes." 

We all just nodded and went back to eating and talking but then the dreaded school bell went off for period 5. "Fuck, I hate math." Calum groaned, banging his head on the table gently.

"I have dance!" Logan and I cheered, we were doing contemporary. We all said bye before leaving the table and going to our last class for the year.

the ending to this chapter is so awkward i didnt know how to end it oml

are u happy im now updating more :D

omfg guYs idk how to end this story like should it end on a christmas chapter or should it end when they're like a couple years later into the future??? pls help me on this.

u all should follow me on twitter punishmgc, comment ur @ and i'll follow u back .

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