Chapter 6 - The Reveal

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Ok so I was trying to edit this, but then I got bored and didn't want to do it anymore

So only like half of this is edited, and it's lazy editing

But enjoy

o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

Bam parked the in front of the building, where a parking lot for guests and visitors was. He and Avery got out of the car and went into the building's entrance.

They asked the front desk person, where Khun was. Avery heard things from Bam, about his old friend Khun. Though she had no idea what he looked like, and more importantly, what he was like.

Was he a bad influence on Bam, was he just trying to sucker up to Bam because he knew he was rich? All the possible problems flooded through her head. 'No, think positively, Bam wouldn't make friends with people like that. Though if he did, his personality will change them into becoming a better person. He does have the personality'.

"Do you have an appointment." The person said a bit rudely, eyeing the two up and down. They were in casual clothing, so the likely hood of being important business people never crossed their minds.

"Khun wanted to see me," Bam spoke not caring about the rude tone before. Avery just smiled at the person, letting her older brother do the talking since she still had no clue why she was dragged here.

"I'll call him." They said, but what were the odds of this random guy telling the truth? Like this baby-face guy would know the great CEO of this rapidly growing empire. They would just fake call, then hang up and say he wasn't available or something.

But then the front desk person saw Avery, and somewhat remembered seeing that face, with the chairman of FUG empire. 'Someone that has an affiliation with FUG is here, then I wouldn't want to mess with their meeting.'

So they called Khun's office phone, they wouldn't have his personal cell number, so how else would they call.

"Mr. Khun are you expecting any visitors."

"Yes I am, please sent them up right away."

"Yes sir." The front desk person almost had a heart attack. They almost denied these people, who they thought were just nobodies a moment ago. They could have gotten fired because if the CEO found out his guests were denied into the building then surely Khun would find the person who did this and fire them, leave a bad review, then the person won't be able to find a job.

Without a job, they would go homeless, beg for change and any scraps of food on the streets. But eventually, they would starve to death. Their parents? Disowned them for not becoming a doctor, and pursuing their dream of becoming a YouTuber.

They did not really succeed, so they were forced to get a job. But that would not happen since they didn't mess up big time. 

At least not yet.

"Uh- uh goontotheelevatorontheleftandpressthetopfloor (go onto the elevator on the left and press the top floor)," they said, with all the nervousness hitting them like a semi-truck carrying root beer.

"Pardon me? What was that? Are you ok." Avery asked the person because they just said something that is questionably the human language.

"Go to the left where you will find an elevator and go to the top floor. Haha." They sounded robotic, very robotic now. Avery and Bam just looked at each other then replied with a 'thanks' and walked towards the left area, where the elevator was supposed to be.

"That was weird," Bam whispered to Avery. "Yea, it was," Avery responded in a whisper too.

They went into the elevator and pressed the top button. It was the second-highest button. The highest was the rooftop button, obviously. Avery didn't know who they were meeting, maybe it was some employee who worked there, and needed Bam's help. But the floor they were going to was very high, one of the highest, meaning the important people.

Stay By Blue (You) - (Khun x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ