Chapter 10 - The Escape Room

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Trying to do and escape an escape room in real life is HaRd

And now who's trying to write one-

o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; o<(-_-)>o ;-; :-)

' <I don't know. Just because.> Really, really that's all I can say about dressing up as a whole other person to my brother.' Avery was internally screaming and thinking about the situation that just went down earlier. Covering her face in embarrassment, she walked back to the car Khun lent her.

You could say it was a walk of shame, just not in that kind of way

She pulled out her phone and clicked the number Khun gave her to call him. She then tapped on the keyboard, once she was finished she pressed the send button and went on to drive out of the empty parking lot.

Mr. Boss

I got the contract signed.

Good, you can continue doing paperwork.

Obviously, it was text, since calling is so old fashion. When Khun received the text, he was a bit taken aback. He didn't expect her to be finished so quickly, it made him impressed, just a bit.

The rest of the day, nothing interesting happened, but at the end of work, Khun got a text. From his good old pal, Bam.

Avery, on the other hand, sighed, 'More paperwork!'


You wanna grab food?

When you're free.


Where though?

I don't know, you chose.

What about the Tower

Ok, what time?

I get off work soon, so how about 7 pm.

Ok, I'll reserve a table for us.

Bam texted Khun to meet up with him for multiple reasons, like; how is his life going, is Avery doing ok, since she's wearing some weird get-up, what was Avery even doing there in the first place.

Khun drove to the tall building, it was one of the tallest buildings in Japan. Even though it wasn't only a restaurant, because what restaurant has that many floors, it was most well known as being a 5-star restaurant, good food and stuff.

Entering the doors, he was greeted by the employee who places you to your table.

"Hi, do you have a reservation, or do you plan to wait?"

If you have a reservation, you're easily in, it's not just a place where you can waltz in and get a seat. It's a five-star restaurant, they have standards, high standards.

And it is about the money, cause that's apparently what the world revolves around. Sorry narcissistic people, the world doesn't revolve around you, it revolves around money.

The popularity brings tourist or visiting celebrities to the place, so many people go there, but are they rich, not exactly. But a place like that, they can't just deny people to not eat, because they can't reserve a table, let alone the expensive food.

"Yes, it should be under Bam, Bam Grace."

"George, Ging, Glare, Gmore, aha, Grace. Table number 25, on the top floor. Follow this person." They said, pointing to a person nearby. Their job was to send the costumers to their tables and notify the waiters, and waitresses to take their orders.

"Right, this way sir." They lead Khun into the elevator and pressing the top floor button.

The higher the floor was, it meant the richer and more important the customer was. Better seating, the finest quality food, a breathtaking view. Not to mention the place was luxuriously decorated, gold, gems, jewels, silver. Though to most people who went up there it was standard for it to look like that, something less and well there goes the restaurant's reviews, now they have a bad reputation.

Stay By Blue (You) - (Khun x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt