Andrea Brooks

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Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She comes across as this

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Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She comes across as this.

Ditzy Genius: She's quite the ditz, but is smarter then she lets on.

Gas Chamber: How she dies in Episode 2.

Informed Ability: She is very resourceful, at making bodies disappear...

Out of Focus: Gets the least amount of characterisation out of the guests.

Platonic Life-Partners: With Tim.

Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Tim's red.

Red Shirt: Considered this by some of the fandom.

The Quiet One: Only has a few lines.
Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Also considered this by some of the fandom.

We Hardly Knew Ye: Downplayed. While not the first to die, she's mostly quiet and doesn't get a lot of focus. We do learn more about her in behind the scenes and after she dies

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