The meet

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Taehyung POV

I could hear the little bell. The bell the rings when a costumer comes in. So I looked up from my book to see who it is. And it was one of our famous costumers that come to The SunFlower Cafe. Jung Hoesok.
" Hey Hobi"
" Oh hey Tae!"
" The Usual?"
" um yes but can you also add in a Caramel macchiato and black ice coffee?"
" um.. Sure but why all that coffee?" I said while making the coffee.
"Oh that's for my boyfriends"
" boyfriends? I didn't know you were ploy?! Well here you go"
" oh, yeah well I don't tell people Bc you know..."
" yeah... But if it make you feel better I am gay"
" Really?! Wow, thanks for the coffee!"
" your welcome"

I looked at the widow to see Hobi pass by, I know it creepy but I know you do that too. ( breaking the fourth wall are we Tae?) I saw him walking, taking a turn and then gone form my site. I returned to my book that I left on and continue to read.
I know it's cringy... I am trying!! And I want to see the plots that u guys are making! And maybe even use them BUT in the why I am thinking. Don't worry you will see. Anygay stream On!! I purple you💜

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