"Hi! You must be one of Keiji's friends. How sweet of you to visit!" She said. Bokuto came to the realization that this was probably Akaashi's mom.

"Er-, um yes," he stuttered. "Is Akaashi doing okay?"

"He's fine! Why don't you go see for yourself? I have some errands to run, so I have to leave now. Watch over Keiji for me, will you?" The lady spoke fast and gave Bokuto little time to think of a reply. She took his hand and pulled him into the hospital room.

"Bye, Keiji! I'll be back in a few hours." Akaashi's mom shut the door, leaving the two alone.

Bokuto stared at the floor, unable to look at his friend. Was he hooked up to machines? Was he barely clinging on to life? Did his mom say all that to make him feel better?


He slowly looked up and met a pair of dark blue eyes. They were vibrant and alive; unlike the blank ones he saw the day before.

"Akaashi?" His voice came out in a whisper. A bandage was wrapped around the boy's head, and an IV was stuck in his arm. Other than a slight bruise on his cheek, Akaashi looked as pretty as ever.

Bokuto rushed forward to his bed and wrapped his arms around the pretty boy. He felt tears threaten to spill as he got a good look at his friend.

"'Kashi... I thought... you... DIED!" He wailed. Akaashi patted his shoulder.

"I don't think I would've died from falling down the stairs, Bokuto-san."

"But- but your eyes! There was so much blood-" Bokuto couldn't finish his words as a sob escaped his lips. His tears flowed continuously as they soaked into Akaashi's gown.

"I'm fine, really. It's okay." Akaashi said, pushing a strand of hair out of Bokuto's eyes. He offered him a small smile.

"Really?" Bokuto asked, sniffling.

"Really." Akaashi reassured.


After Bokuto managed to calm down, he stayed with the bedridden boy until visiting hours were over. Akaashi's mom texted Akaashi earlier about how she would be late, so Bokuto stayed to keep him company. As he got up to leave, Bokuto turned back to Akaashi.

"I'll be back tomorrow okay, 'Kashi?"

"I look forward to it, Bokuto-san."

He gave Akaashi a small smile and wave as he stepped out the room. Gently shutting the door behind him, he let out a sigh of relief.

Turns out, Akaashi only had a concussion. There was some blood loss, but it wasn't as serious as Bokuto remembered it to be. When he asked the doctor who was caring for Akaashi, the doctor replied that he might have been in a state of shock. Bokuto could have been so overwhelmed by the sudden events that his brain tricked him into thinking it was a life or death situation.

Good thing it wasn't. He thought. Although they only met recently, Bokuto already couldn't imagine his life without Akaashi. There was a special connection between the two, and he never wanted that to be ruined.

But since Akaashi had a concussion, there was no way he could set for Bokuto anymore. Chances were, the setter would be out for the rest of the season.

Bokuto sighed, running a hand through his wild hair. He stepped outside the hospital and breathed in the cool evening air. Something about hospitals just made Bokuto feel like he was slowly suffocating. It was bearable thanks to Akaashi, but if it was anyone else, Bokuto probably would've left hours ago.

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