chapter thirty seven

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"Do you have to go?" Jennie's tiny voice echoed in the room, her small hand reaching out to grab the older ones sleeve, her fingers clutching onto the fabric as hard as she possibly could to prevent them from going away. The older one looked over her shoulder, nodding as the smile that previously wore proudly on her face disappeared. "And when will you come back?" Jennie asked again, her eyes lowering now as she tried to do her best pouting expression hoping that it would change things like it used to do so many times in the past. Since she can remember she used that trick that she always had up her sleeve, everyone fell for it no matter what. "I've told you many times, look out the window, I'm always there" the voice rang in her ears, Jennie smiling and jumping up and down excited, her hand letting go of the sleeve as she raised her pinky in the air, waiting for the promise that she loved making every time. "Promise you'll be there?"

"I promise"

Jennie looked out of the window while her head was being flooded by image after image flashing in front of her eyes as if she was living all of that at the moment. A small smile appeared on her lips, it slowly faded though when she started to lose all these images from her head, her chest feeling empty. "Are you okay?" Jisoo's voice echoed in the living room, the younger one looking over her shoulder to look at her best friend for a brief moment, nodding in the most unsure way as she looked back out of the window, looking at the sky. "Are you sure about that?" Jisoo asked again and approached her best friend a little bit more. It's not something that she hadn't seen her do before. Actually it was something that the girl was doing constantly the past few weeks, looking out the window and losing herself and spend most of her time in front of the balcony door. Jennie didn't respond, she just hummed and didn't even turn around.

She couldn't stop thinking, it was killing her to know that she had made promises like that when she was younger. Empty promises that she didn't even remember till now, and even now she wasn't sure why she was getting flashes of them again. All she knew was that every little piece of memory she had had that promise in the end. The only problem was that she doesn't remember being young and having any other friend other than herself and later on her brother when she was younger. Looking down at her hand she laughed, remembering how small her hand looked in all of her dreams, now all grown up but with nothing to hold onto. No pinky to lock around and promise something. "Do you think they are still out there?" Jennie asked, her eyes still glued on the lilac sky in front of her, Jisoo who was still next to her standing on her feet confused as hell. "Who? I don't understand" Jisoo said confused and sat down next to her best friend, noticing how emersed she was in the sky.

Shaking her head and trying to forget it, it didn't take her long before realizing that she couldn't hold it inside her any more, her head turning to Jisoo who was now sitting down.  "When I was little, I apparently had a friend" Jennie laughed as she realized how stupid she was going to sound, already regretting opening her mouth. "And when they would leave, they told me to look at the sky while missing them" Jennie added after a while, her eyes looking down at her hand again before looking up and out the window, the faint smile that she had on now fading away. "That's cute as hell," Jisoo sighed but struggled to understand why that was making Jennie stay up or stay seated in front of the balcony door sometimes all day, it didn't sound like anything negative that needed to invest your time on. "But why is that bad?" She eventually asked but didn't get any immediate answers, she just sat there giving Jennie her time. Because I don't even remember their name or how their face looks, Jennie thought but didn't phrase at all, she just shrugged at first.

"The only thing I remember is a story that she would always tell me. And the promise she would always make before leaving." Jennie explained and laughed to herself thinking that she was such an idiot to not remember something that was apparently now taking up most of her time. Maybe the fact that she was stuck not really doing anything active or being in a position to do things that she enjoyed doing before pregnancy hit her was making her think of all of that again. But still, how can she remember the most random things and not the face of that person?  "Maybe I should visit my old house at some point" Jennie pointed out, making a note in her head to do that as soon as she could, as soon as she would have the chance to go back to Seoul. "Why are you even stuck with that? It's your childhood after all isn't it? It doesn't even matter anymore" Jisoo said and pulled herself up, standing on her feet once again and walking away to do what she got up to do in the first place.

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