Beauty from Birth

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Eddard Stark was pacing outside of his chambers. His wife, Catelyn, was giving birth to his third legitimate child, for he had one bastard. All of Winterfell was waiting for the new lady or lord.

His eldest, Robb, was waiting in the hall with his ward, Theon Greyjoy. Both of the boys sat on the ground, whispering to each other about the new Stark that was to come. Agrueing over whether it was to be boy or a girl.

His bastard, Jon Snow, was the second oldest. He waited outside of the Stark's home. He knew that Lady Catelyn Stark did not want him near when the baby was born. Jon only hoped his new half-sibling would be as welcoming as his brother.

Sansa, his third child and three years of age, waited with her Septa. She wondered if she would have a sister to share gossip or dream about marrying a handsome prince. Or would she have another brother to tease her and mess with her dolls. Sansa prayed for a sweet sister.

Eddard froze in place when his wife's screaming was suddenly replaced with the wails of a newborn child. Everything and everyone in Winterfell seemed to stop. Robb and Theon jumped to their feet and waited by Lord Stark. The chamber door opened to reveal a midwife.

"Milord, you may see your wife and child now," she opened the door wider and let Eddard through. The boys were told to wait in the doorway.

"Ned," Catelyn Stark sighed when she saw her husband. Her Tully red hair was slick with sweat and her face was worn out, just a bit. In her arms was a little bundle that breathed. Eddard moved closer to the two. He wrapped his arm around his wife and looked at his youngest child. He saw tuffs of bright red hair, another child with Tully hair. The baby had his warm, gray eyes. "Isn't she beautiful, Ned?"

"Of course," Eddard stroked his wife's arm. His daughter had skin as white as the Winterfell snow. "What shall we call her?"

"Maisie. Masie Lyanna Stark." Catelyn replied with a smile. "She will be a magnificent beauty."

"Yes, she will. Much like her mother and sister." Eddard looked at the doorway. He saw his oldest son and ward standing there. "Theon, please go get Sansa and Jon." The seven year-old left with a bow. Robb was still standing there looking curiously at his parents. "Robb, would you like to meet your new sister?"

Robb cautiously approached his parents and new sibling. He leaned over the bed, his face falling in front of baby Maisie's. Maisie cooed and grabbed onto his aurbern curls. Robb winced when she tugged on them. "Ouch."

The Lord and Lady Stark laughed softly. "It would seem she likes you, my son," Catelyn reassured her boy. Soon, three other children appeared in the room.

By the end of the day, Maisie was introduced to her new family. It was pain fully obvious who her favorites were amoung Winterfell. She would not allow her father nor Robb out of her sight. It was on that day, Beauty was born in Winterfell. Seven years after the birth of her Beast.

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