It's The Dreams

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My room was beautifully furnished  on a meagre budget with artistic murals on the wall, hand painted by my own younger sister. The bed was small single one and a neatly embroidered bedsheet spread on it. There was a medium braided rug of woollen rags on the floor. I would often sit on it and meditate. The windows were hung with off-white drapery. There was a balcony which grew from the walls of my room and it had geometric railings.

That day,I was working on my laptop for a presentation in the following week. I was alone in the room. Something was swishing around the door of my room and it had been making a rasping noise. It perturbed me and I was skeptical maybe the windows were open from where the wind was blowing. 

I left my bed and went to the dining room to have a look and found the windows were shut and the curtains were pulled down. Coming back to room, I felt someone  else's present inside. The air carried an aroma of perfume and I began trembling. My eyes darted every nook and cranny of the room but an oddness adhered around the four walls. I draped my legs over the arms and tried to unhinge myself and attempted to work on my presentation again.

But I could discern someone was standing on the balcony and upon turning my back I witnessed a massive shadow which could be as tall as the size of the entire wall. I was going to drown in dizziness. It had hands which were moving towards me. 

I frantically jumped out of my bed and ran towards the door of my room. I tried opening the door but the lock was jammed. I dugged fingers into my scalp and whimpered with terror and timidity. 

I was tentatively pushing  back and forth , sideways to open the lock but the lock broke and fell off into my hands. I was screaming then and thumped the door, God knows how many times! 

All of sudden, the door opened in a muffled way and I ran towards the main door of our apartment. Nightmares and abrupt attacks of existential angst made me retch. There was a power outage and I took the route to the stairs; holding the handrails of the stairs and hurried down by jumping four five steps . I rushed to reach the exit of the house, frenzied. But the stairs were not leading to the basement it was more like a coiled stairs and seemed unending. I was screaming and looked back, the Shadow was approaching and its hands were proceeding me. 

Nooooooooo! I shrieked with shudder. 

It gave a scornful smile and was full of contempt. I clearly remember how it was enraptured by looking at me as a dead meat. Then I was reminded of my younger sister who was in her room; melancholy and apprehension emanated from the brooding air. I motioned to maneuver upstairs but it happened. I could not move my body. My legs felt heavy as though kilos of weights have been tied to them. I could not budge an inch from my step. An icy fear churned in my gut. Fear was hurting me like a speeding missile and thousands of thoughts hovered my mind. But I ran for my sister to get upstairs to extricate her from that Demon. An uptight fear fugging at the pit of my stomach and it was too intense. 

The shadow's face was seen and it shot me an evil eye and my heart was a beating drum. I screeched at the top of my lungs. I was shaken by my sister and found I've been dreaming. Profuse sweat ran down from my forehead and dribbled down my nose and cheeks. My face felt it was lit on fire. I went to the washroom to freshen up but a piercing feeling of being watched was stabbing and my back was burning and itching. I lifted my shirt and was perplexed to find out  bleeding scratches at the right side of my back. I was bewildered how I was succumbed to injuries.

I got out immediately and saw shapes of big hand  palms and it was not the size of any human. I had lost my ingenuity  on the imprints of the hands…….

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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