"Nice to see you too, Prince." I said innocently, "What are you doing here, exactly?" I said through my smile, clenching my teeth.

Keep it together, Michael. Don't blow it.

Prince inhaled sharply, trying to keep calm as well. Then, he continued to smile like an idiot so Vanity didn't notice.

"Just visiting my old friend..Vanity." He said dryly, cutting his eyes over to her and giving her a look before looking back at me.

Vanity shifted her weight on her other foot, crossing her arms and said, "This fool decided to get a breath of 'fresh air' without security and he ended up getting chased by a bunch of fans until he got here." She said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

I worked up the strength to laugh a long with her, and I shook my head, "Sounds like a person I know." I said smartly, hoping Prince would catch my drift.

Prince dropped his smile, staring at me like he was gonna pounce on me at any minute. I smirked at him, knowing that he couldn't do a damn thing about it.

Prince removed his unamused expression and replaced it with a happier one, "I apologize for intruding. My guards should've been here by now."

He's not sorry, I could see past his bullshit so fast it wasn't even funny.

"You know what." Vanity said, patting Prince's shoulder, "Why don't you join us for dinner?"

Oh hell no.

"What?" We said at the same time, Prince and I looked at each other at the same time.

This was my date, and I'll be damned if I let him ruin that.

"Yeah.." Vanity said, looking at me feeling guilty, "I just don't want him leaving on his own. Are you okay with that?"

Prince didn't like the idea at first, but the irritated look on his face turned into an amused one, and he looked at me too, with his eyebrow raised, waiting for my answer.

Fuck, I said to myself in my head.

I fixed my face, and gave her and Prince both a smile, "Of course...the more the merrier."

Vanity's guilt tripped face turned into a soft smile, then she hugged my side, saying thank you to me silently. I looked down at her, hugging her back, taking this time to finally give a nasty look at Prince that I have been waiting to give to him this whole time.

He returned the look right back, biting his lip and crossing his arms, looking a tad bit jealous. Vanity let go of my side, then grabbed my hand softly, looking at the both of us.

"Come on." She said, guiding me into the kitchen. I followed her, turned my head around giving Prince one last look. Then, Prince rolled his eyes, following behind us.


After going through a whole ten minutes of dead silence, which was really painful to be in because I hate being in awkward situations, room service finally came in with dinner.

Prince and I sat on opposite sides of each other while Vanity sat in the middle of us. The entire silence involved Prince staring me down, sometimes I kept up with his stare, and sometimes I had to look away. His stare was truly something else, it honestly felt like someone was staring into your soul, litterally. It was just very intimidating all together. Thankfully, Vanity rarely noticed, because she was looking down at her lap the entire time, hating the awkward silence just as much as I did.

Once room service put on plates on the table, and filling our drinks with water, they left the room. We were eating steak, which didn't really like because I stayed away from red meat, and meat in general because I identified myself as a vegetarian for the most part, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to disappoint Vanity.

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