Hot Tub Cuddles

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Time Skip

Over a week has gone by and Sam got his back brace off, and we've been keeping our relationship on the down low. Sam still texts Kat like normal but secretly makes out with me on the side. Our state is opening back up so our friend group is going to get to have a pool party at the Trap House.

Loud music plays as we jump into the pool at the party. Sam has been ignoring Kat for most of the night. Everyone's drinking and having a blast. Kat's hanging out with Devyn and Sam's hanging out with me.

The party goes on for another hour or so when it starts getting dark. Most people leave or go inside. Kat, Elton, Aryia, Xepher, Brennen and Griffin are inside chilling while Sam and I are outside, cuddling in the hot tub. We had a little bit to drink which might've made us so open to cuddle where Kat could see us. It was so romantic, Sam sitting on my lap, resting his head on my shoulder while me kissing his cheek once in a while.

We hear the tap of flip flops on the concrete and someone say, "Hey Colby do you know where Sa-oh my god! What are you guys doing?" Sam jolts off of my lap as we turn to face Kat. "What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Kat throws her hands up.
"Kat, I'm sorry! Katrina!" Sam runs out of the hot tub. "Kat! Wait!" Sam raises his voice.
"It's not that I don't like you, It's just that I think I'm in love with Colby." Sam says.
Kat furrows her eyebrows. "Really? This isn't a prank is it?"

"No, it isn't." I replied.

"Well, I hope you're happy with him." Kat smiles weakly and places her hand on my arm, then walks away.

Sam waks back over to me and smiles. "We're cool," Sam jumped into the pool on top of me.
"Is Samrina over and Solby is starting?" I asked.
Sam attacks my lips and jumps into my lap. "Does that answer your question?" Sam pulls away.
"Mmm, do it again just to make sure." I smile.
Sam licks his lips and peppers kisses all over my face and neck. I lift him onto my lap and hold him close. I wish we could stay that way forever.


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