Ventus and Kiara

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Ever since Ventus and Strelitzia broke up, because her brother Lauriam was against them dating, Lauriam has threatened to kill Ven if they don't broke up, this leaves them both heart broken, so they decided to break up and stay as friends, ever since Ventus and Kiara met in Twilight Town, they felt in love with each other, it was love at first sight, Ventus has been dreaming about him and Kiara, Kiara couldn't help, but to feel nervous, what if he didn't feel the same way as she did, Kiara went to the Land of Departure to talk to Terra and Aqua.

"It's okay Kiara, Ven feels the same way about you." Aqua said.

"He does?" Kiara asked.

"Yes," Aqua said. "He can't stop thinking about you."

"It's true, Ven feels the same way about you," Terra told her. "He won't shut up about you."

She blushes.

Terra and Aqua smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." Kiara told them.

"Don't be, why don't you go tell Ven how you feel." Aqua said.

"It will make you both happy, if you both told each how you felt." Terra said.

Kiara nods. "Thank you."

Terra and Aqua smiled at her. "Your welcome."

Kiara smiled back and walk away from them, she looks back over at them and saw that they were kissing, she turns away and kept on walking away and went straight to Ven's room, so she can tell him how she feels about him. She still felt nervous, she is in love with Ventus, but she wasn't sure if he felt the same way. Terra, Aqua, Roxas, Xion, Riku and Namine had all told her that Ven felt the same way about her, she hasn't met Sora and Kairi yet, but she wants to meet them. Namine has helped her to recover her some of memories of her life in Radiant Garden, Kairi had been asleep and she recover some of her memories of her life in Radiant Garden, but Kairi got her memory back way before Kiara did, Kiara has asked Riku and Namine about when could she meet Sora and Kairi, they told her, maybe tomorrow, she can meet them if they aren't busy. Kira, Sarabi, Vitani and Sarafina were her best friends, they were shocked to hear that Kiara had a twin sister name Kairi, they wanted to meet her as well.

Upon finding his room, she saw that the door was cracked open, but just as she mastered up her courage, she stopped when she heard music.

"Wait was" Kiara thought to herself.

🎶When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you.

🎶If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind.

"Was that Ventus singing? He sounded really good.".... She inched closer and carefully peeked into his room and saw him sitting on his bed, holding a guitar and sneaking glances at an open notebook next to him as he sang.

🎶She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing.

🎶Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you thru
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true.

Kingdom Hearts Ventus and KiaraWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu